Life After Fighting

Life After Fighting

In Life After Fighting, the tranquil existence of Alex Faulkner (Bren Foster), a former martial arts world champion, is shattered when the inexplicable vanishing of two young students from his martial arts school culminates in a shocking revelation that strikes close to his heart. As all avenues of hope seem to dwindle, Faulkner's determination ultimately leads to the rescue of the imprisoned girls, revealing an insidious international child-trafficking ring, which ultimately leads to the fight of his life.


Co-starring alongside Foster is AACTA award-winning Luke Ford (The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Animal Kingdom, Black Balloon), as well as Cassie Howarth (NCIS Sydney, The Twelve), Annabelle Stephenson (La Brea, Tidelands) and Jake Ryan (The Great Gatsby, Wolf Creek).


Life After Fighting brings together a powerful mix of high action and high drama, the likes of which have not been previously seen in Australian cinema, showcasing highly technical martial arts choreography designed by Bren Foster and executed by his team.


Life After Fighting

Rating: MA15+

Running Time: 120 minutes


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Bren Foster is an internationally renowned actor and martial arts supremo, boasting nine-time world champion status in six different disciplines, with black belts in Taekwondo, Hapkido, Hwarang-do, and Brazilian jiujutsu. His multi-faceted acting skills, combined with his unique martial arts abilities, make him a rare "unicorn" in the film industry, with few peers able to match his talent for blending both disciplines in a single project - as showcased in Life After Fighting.


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