Interview with Chris Hodgson
Chris Hodgson 'Hodgy' a passionate surfer started Hodgys Surf Centre in 2000. Hodgy had the lifelong dream to own his own surf store and was a long time resident of the Great Ocean Road region. Hodgys Surf Centre is situated on the beautiful coastal town of Apollo Bay in the hub of retail activity.
Interview with Chris Hodgson
When and how did you start surfing?
Chris Hodgson: On summer holidays at Pambula and Point Leo at age five.
What interested you most about surfing?
Chris Hodgson: The beach life.
How often do you surf?
Chris Hodgson: 4-5 times a week, minimum.
What do you need to begin surfing?
Chris Hodgson: A beginner board that has plenty of flotation and wetsuit if in Victoria. Boards differ depending on the person's height and weight.
How did surfing become your passion and how did it lead you into a career?
Chris Hodgson: I don't really know, my parents say I was just obsessed by it. I spent 18 months away travelling the globe, and when I returned to the west coast, I thought there was a market for a real surf shop in Apollo Bay. Hodgys Surf Shop sells boards and wetsuits and is run by a surfer, me!
Does your store have a website?
Chris Hodgson:
www.hodgys.comWhere has surfing taken you?
Chris Hodgson: While on a charter boat in the Maldives the anchor rope got cut and the boat drifted for a couple of kilometres, while we were surfing and did not notice the drama till it was nearly out of sight.
When is best to surf in Australia?
Chris Hodgson: Australia is blessed with a lot of good waves, February to June being the best months on the east coast.
Which beach is the best to surf at, worldwide?
Chris Hodgson: Very tough as there are so many, my top 5: Puerto, Escondido (Mexico), Hossegor (France), North Shore (Hawaii), Marthas (King Island), G.Land (Indonesia), but there's heaps more.

What are the dangers involved in surfing and how do you make sure you stay safe?
Chris Hodgson: Never disrespect the ocean, its power can turn on and of in no time, surf within your capabilities.
Have you been stuck in a rip? How do you prevent being caught in rips?
Chris Hodgson: Plenty of times, you can use them to your advantage sometimes, just paddle side ways to get out of them, don't try and go against them.
What are some of the biggest no no's in the surfing culture?
Chris Hodgson: If you search out and find good surf on your own or with a mate, keep it quiet and you will get more fun times there without others. Look after the ocean and the beach.
Do/did you compete in surf competitions?
Chris Hodgson: I dabbled in competition, but I prefer surfing remote areas with just your mates.
What is best about watching surf competitions?
Chris Hodgson: To see how high a standard pro surfers are at.
Do you still see yourself surfing in 10 years?
Chris Hodgson: I will surf in one form or another until I can't walk…