Harmony is Success

Harmony is Success

Harmony is Success

Human life is based on the harmonious balance between four interconnected relationships, which, when practiced consciously, result in greater personal fulfilment, success and the powerful and free expression of our deepest Self.

This is the premise behind renowned holistic practitioner Ken McLean's new book, Harmony is Success.

In the book, Ken, founder of the popular Shin Sen Dojo, draws upon decades of experience and studies, and outlines the importance of balancing the four relationships so you can live your greatest life through their expression.

The four relationships; Harmony with Self, Harmony in Relationship, Harmony with Nature & Harmony with the Universe – together provide vital connectivity to achieve true authentic oneness and being.

Filled with practical exercises, meditations, charts, and examples, Harmony is Success shows readers how to live a life of deeper meaning and happiness.

Ken McLean lives in Bronte, Sydney, where he directs a center for the Holistic development of Body, Mind and Spirit called Shin Sen Dojo. For over forty years he has practiced and taught Aikido, Ki Energy Cultivation, Macrobiotics and Ki Shiatsu. He has helped thousands of people achieve greater health, harmony, happiness and success through the programs he runs and personal consultations. Ken also surfs regularly at Bronte and is a musician, performing his original songs on guitar. He is the father of ten children and grandfather to seven.

Harmony is Success
Short Stop Press
Author: Ken McLean
ISBN: 9780994496072
RRP: $29.99

Interview with Ken McLean

Question: Why did you write Harmony is Success?

Ken McLean: As a way of sharing the life practices that I have been cultivating and refining for many years. I believe there is a simple, clear yet effective and powerful way to live that all people relate and connect with. So in a way this book is a holistic summary and a practical application of a universal way of living - how to apply the flow state in a daily life.

Question: What do you hope readers take from Harmony is Success?

Ken McLean: I hope they will have insight into a way of being that can be applied anywhere and anytime. Through that practice I believe the reader can develop skills to be more nourished and effective in any interaction. This leads to easier and greater access to their full potential as a human being and so create a wonderful full life.

Question: How important is relationship harmony to our life success?

Ken McLean: Like the saying 'when two people gather in my name there I am", this describes the inspirational quality and power that is activated when two people are centred and co-creating together. Sometimes described as 'the third force" – there is a quality when two people are willing to blend and find oneness together - there are options and qualities that arise that would not occur without harmonious interaction. Not only is this more effective and supportive in creating success, it is also enjoyable and nourishing.

Question: What is Shin Sen Dojo?

Ken McLean: Shin Sen Dojo is a holistic centre for the development of harmonies of the body, mind and spirit. It offers trainings in various expressions such as Aikido, Ki Energy Cultivation, Shiatsu, Macrobiotics and more. Also people come for individual treatments and consultations for health, harmony and balance.

Question: What is your advice for people looking to achieve greater life fulfillment?

Ken McLean: First establish health and harmony with our self because everything flows from that. The stronger we make the connection with our deeper self or spirit, the more we attract people and opportunities that reflect that connection. Creating the space to develop our deeper self then flows on to establishing that in relationships, then to place (Nature) and then to expressing our whole self on the path that the universe has given us. In the words of George Ohsawa – 'Happiness is the endless realisation of an infinite dream."

Harmony is Success
Short Stop Press
Author: Ken McLean
ISBN: 9780994496072
RRP: $29.99

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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