The brand new triple album from Gatecrasher,
Gatecrasher Experience has 37 tunes and includes a Bonus Chill Out CD.
Gatecrasher takes a strong, enduring brand to 2002. Having successfully conducted three major dance festivals in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth (sold out), and the most recent CD release 'Digital' having sold in excess of 20,000 units, they have further advanced the standing of what was traditionally a UK brand and developed their own dedicated fan base here in Australia.
With this in mind, this follow up Cd
Gatecrasher Experience is in the perfect position to be even more successful than any of the previous Gatecrasher releases, with an even broader television campaign to support it's introduction to the market place.
This triple CD pack includes the immensely popular 'chill out' disc. Artist highlights include
Sinead O'Connor, Rank 1, Mauro Picotto, Jose Amnesia and