Dr Dain Heer had a -perfect' life when he decided to end it all. Now, he is determined to save lives through one simple awareness – the pursuit of perfection can kill you; your own greatness can heal your life.
Fifteen years ago, Dain Heer, felt so depressed and hopeless that he had set a date for his suicide. 'I gave the universe six months or I was going to kill myself", Heer explains. 'I had two chiropractic practices, a bit of money, a wonderful girlfriend – I had everything I thought would constitute a perfect life. But, inside, I was dying."
Now, Heer is an internationally renowned speaker, author and co-creator of Access Consciousness®, a popular set of life tools and philosophies. Travelling the world, he shares his personal experiences with abuse, depression and near-suicide to assure others that they have everything to live for.
The World Health Organisation estimates that more than 800,000 individuals each year take their own lives. These tragedies occur all over the world; in low- and high-income areas; women and men, and in all age groups. Although there are country-centric patterns, there does not appear to be one, definitive reason for suicide.
Heer believes one major contributor is society's fictional ideal of perfection. 'We place too much emphasis on perfection." Heer remarks. 'We hold expectations and other points of view about how life – and we – should be. When those expectations aren't met, we believe it is because we have failed – we make ourselves, 'bad" or 'wrong'. In doing so, we are unable to see the greatness that we naturally are."
Heer cautions that many of the expectations we hold about life are not, actually, our own. They are points of view we have unconsciously adopted from others. 'How many points of view about life have you absorbed from your father? Your mother?" he asks. 'If you had no past and had bought none of these points of view, what would you like in your life right now? What would you create for yourself?"
Heer believes that there are many factors that undermine our natural sense of greatness.
These include:
Being highly aware and sensitive
According to Heer, we are all unknowingly under constant bombardment of the thoughts and feelings of people around us. '98% of what goes on in your head isn't even yours" he remarks. Highly sensitive people are particularly attuned to, and affected by, the emotions of others. 'They are like psychic sponges", Heer advises. 'They are so attuned to others that, at an unconscious level, it's like they are absorbing and reacting to everyone in a hundred mile radius!"
Tip: Firstly, Heer advises 'Hang out with happy people!" Secondly, repeatedly ask yourself this simple question whenever you are feeling sad, angry or blue: "Who does this belong to?" If the emotion -lifts' from you, you can be assured that you have just picked it up from someone else.
Experiencing abuse
Many depressed people have been abused physically, mentally or emotionally. Dr Heer advises that people unconsciously believe that abuse wouldn't happen to a good person. 'So, by default, those of us who have been abused have decided they must be -bad' or -wrong' to create this. Then we perpetuate this belief into the future by making it a justification for why we can't choose or create goodness in our lives."
Tip: Learn to see yourself from a different perspective, such as 'I have been confronted with the worst of this reality and I'm still here and I'm still searching for something greater." According to Heer, many abused people become the kindest and most caring people in the world as their way of going beyond the abuse. 'You are different. You are greater than anything that has been a part of your life. You are a gift to this world", he counsels.
Constantly seeking answers or conclusions
According to Heer, constantly trying to make sense of (or find answers to) life entraps you in a cycle of judgement, blame and disappointment. Heer's solution? 'Ask questions" he says. 'A question always empowers. An answer always disempowers. One of the problems with depression and unhappiness is that we don't see any different possibility. When you ask a question, even a simple one, you open other doorways of possibility that didn't seem to exist before."
Tip: Ask yourself these questions every day: What can I be or do different today to move beyond this depression?; How does it get any better than this?; Universe, will you please show me something beautiful today?; What else is possible here that I've never considered?
Dr Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker, and facilitator of consciousness and change. Co-creator of Access Consciousness He will be in Australia on 18th November for his 'Being You. Changing the World" class, which will be streamed live across the world. For more information, please visit Dr Dain Heer's website.
Question: Why is pretending to be someone else the greatest way to destroy ourselves?
Dr Dain Heer: Because we are not being who we are! The greatest gift we have to offer the world is choosing to be who we truly are, without judgment and to have the total caring we have for everyone around us.
When we try to pretend to be someone else, we are saying that we have no value! People continuously think, if I was just someone else, I would be happier. If I was someone else, I wouldn't struggle. This actually isn't true. The only way to come out of all of this and be happy and thrive is to start being you! I always say to my clients, 'What if every perceived wrongness you thought about yourself is actually your strongness and your greatness?!"