To celebrate the launch of new Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues, a giant installation inspired by the 40th Anniversary of the famous Christo Little Bay wrapping is on display at Fleet Park next to Sydney's modern art hub, the MCA from the 19th- 24th May.
The Kleenex® Silk Touch Tissue Tree is wrapped in hundreds of metres of silk materialsreplicating the feel of Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues and dispenses the suprisingly soft newtissues from blossoms on the tree, allowing consumers to feel the difference for themselves.The giant Kleenex® Silk Touch Tissue Tree was inspired by New York-based artist Christowho's famed for his wraps of world monuments including the Central Park gates in theUnited States, Pont Neuf in France and the Reichstag in Berlin. The Kleenex® Silk TouchTissue Tree is swathed in soft silks designed to emulate his unique work.
The unveiling of the Kleenex® Silk Touch Tissue Tree coincides with the official start of'sneezing season'. Last year 4.5 billion tissues were sold during winter totalling astaggering $64.8m! On average Australians use over 940 tissues per person every year -that's more than three times that of the UK and over 50% more than in the USA.
Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues are a shopping list staple, boasting the softest tissue ever andperfect for day to day use in the home. A strong and absorbent tissue but silky soft to thetouch, new Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues care for the skin when sneezing or blowing thenose whereas other tissues can aggravate delicate and sensitive areas.
As a trusted brand found in thousands of Australian homes, the Kleenex® Silk Touch tissuerange comes in a wide selection of pack designs to suit any interior; frangipani and whitetulips for the lounge, sea life for the bathroom and blossom for the bedroom.
Affordably priced, Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues are not only exceptionally soft to the touch,strong and absorbent but easy on the purse strings at a time when every dollar counts!Kleenex® cares for your household needs and the environment. And it's the only tissuemanufacturer in Australia to be awarded the PEFC accreditation for promoting sustainableforestry.
Feel the difference of Kleenex® Silk Touch tissues available in stores now.
Available in 2ply and 3ply in a variety of box designs and designs
Priced from $1.99 RRP
Stockist Info: 1800 028 333