Best Hairstylists Around You

Best Hairstylists Around You

How to find the best hairstylists around you

Look on Instagram. Use local Google search. Ask friends and family around. Try your neighbors. Don't forget colleagues at work.

There are so many possibilities to explore when looking for hair salons around. Yet, people still have difficulty finding the best hairstylists near them.

Why? What is really going on? Are there no good hairdressers in the world anymore?

Well, there are. The only problem is you've been doing the search wrong. Let me show you how it's done.

How to find the best hairstylists around you

1. Go out there and find someone wearing a similar style
Most blogs will tell you to 'ask around.' I'm not against that. But you and I both know the fact someone is great with ponytails doesn't mean they'll be good at making bobs or fringes.

This is why I don't buy the 'ask around' ideology. Someone might recommend their hairstylist to me based on their own experience. But the hairstylist may not be good at making the style I have in mind.

Instead of asking people randomly, what I do is I go out and look for someone who's wearing exactly the type of style I want to make or something similar.

For example, say I find myself in a new environment, and I feel like making curtain fringe. I simply stroll around town one evening, making stops at nearby parks, pubs, clubs, relaxation spots, etc.

What am I looking for? Anyone at all with a good-looking fringe hairdo. If I can find such a person, then I've definitely found the best hairstylist for that style in that town.

2. Go to Instagram
With Instagram, you can find just about anything. Provided you know your way around.

So, how do you find a specialist for any kind of hairdo on Instagram?

It is simple.

A) Go to the search bar and type "{#LocationName of hairstyle}." E.g. {#LondonFringe}
B) Click on a relevant hashtag result with the highest number of posts. Something like this:

C) Expectedly, you'll see various results. Find the ones that best relate to what you're looking for (fringe hairstyle).
D) See if the person tagged the hairdresser/hairstylist. If they do, simply contact the hairstylist. If they didn't, move on to step E.
E) Send a DM to the person appreciating their hairdo. Then ask them if they can connect you with their hairstylist.

3. Use a search APP
Tell me one problem you have, and I'll tell you a hundred apps that can solve it for you. These days, there is an app for almost anything.
If you're looking for great hairdressing salons near you, there's an app that can help you. It's called Nice Local. It's a trusted online source that provides you with the latest information about local businesses around you. With Nice Local, you can search for and discover all the hair salons in a particular location. And also read great reviews about them.
This is a great time-saver as it helps you find various hairdressing salon options in no time.

4. Now, ask around
I know you think I meant 'asking around' is bad, but that's not true. I only meant the way most blogs tell you to do it is what's bad.

You can ask for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. But you have to do it in a certain way.

Don't just ask your colleague at work, 'hey Susan, where do you think I can make a sexy-looking bob in town.'

Instead, ask yourself, is Susan the right person to ask about bobs? No offense, but Susan might be a Ponytail-style type of person. If she doesn't do or fancy bobs, her judgment on the subject may be wrong.

The point being? Ensure anyone you're asking has a good experience on the matter.

If you can't find such a person, you have to ask the only people around you. Don't ask for their recommendations directly. Instead, ask them if they know or have seen anyone who's made that particular style recently. If they say they don't, ask them to help you ask their friends/family.

You never know; they may have friends who have friends who have made that particular style in the past.

5. Visit local salons (but avoid budget salons)
Unless you're looking to make low-budget hairstyles, you should avoid budget salons at all costs.

Visiting local salons should be limited to classy, high-end, state-of-the-art establishments.
When you get to these places, take a seat and observe whether anyone is wearing the style you have in mind in the room. If not, respectfully ask the hairstylist if they can make the type of hair you wish to make.

If they claim they can, show them pictures of what you're looking for to be sure they know exactly what you're talking about. If their response remains the same, ask them to show you a picture or video proof of the past ones they've done.

If they can't provide that, just walk out and check another beauty parlor.

6. Use Google Search
One of the fundamentals of the new buzzword METAVERSE is the possibility of discovering everything one needs on the internet. That includes finding hair salons or hairdressers on the internet, too.

With search engines like Google, one can find a hairdresser with a particular specialty in any location of their choosing.

For example, say you need to find a hairstylist who's a specialist in BOBS around you, you can simply go to Google and search for "Best Bobs Hairstylists in Sydney."

As you can see, that's a couple of hair salons to check out. If you scroll down, you'll see more. Interestingly, you can even read reviews on these businesses by clicking on their names to see what previous customers have said about them.

And if you'd like to know more about a salon, you can click on the name to reveal other necessary information like contact, address, email, etc. In case you're still not convinced, you can take a salon's contact information and visit the place. Just don't forget to follow the tips described in step #5 above when you get there.



Image by Unsplash

averie woodard


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