Belinda Green on Vitamin D

Belinda Green on Vitamin D
Well known identity and former Miss World, Belinda Green has launched anawareness campaign aimed at shedding the light on the importance of VitaminD.

In a recent survey commissioned by Boots Healthcare , over 84% of allrespondents admitted they knew little or nothing about Vitamin Dısimportance, yet over half the over 50ıs surveyed were concerned about thestrength and health of their bones.

Health enthusiast, Belinda Green is spearheading the public awareness onbehalf of Boots Healthcare. With one in two women over the age of 60sustaining osteoporatic fractures, Belinda is passionate about educatingpeople about the role of Vitamin D in bone health.

It is commonly known that calcium is vital for strong bones, but itssidekick Vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption, is also important ­ andessential for maintaining healthy bones and muscle strength as well.

Groups that are at the highest risk of Vitamin D deficiency include theelderly, especially those in residential care and women who cover their headand arms for cultural or religious reasons. Similarly people in shift work,miners and people with certain gastrointestinal conditions and kidneyproblems could also be at risk.


Over 50's take note. Belinda Green is leading a new crusade to boost awareness of Vitamin D - an essential vitamin that is vital for physical health but appears to be little understood. In a recent survey commissioned by Boots Healthcare , over 84% of all respondents admitted they knew little or nothing about Vitamin D's importance, yet over half the over 50's surveyed were concerned about the strength and health of their bones.

It is commonly known that calcium is vital for strong bones and preventing osteoporosis as well as other bone deterioration conditions. But Vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption, is also important - and essential for maintaining muscle strength as well. If you don't have enough Vitamin D your muscles are likely to be weaker and your bones will receive far less calcium.

According to Sydney University vitamin D expert Assoc Professor Rebecca Mason, "The simple fact is that people who have adequate Vitamin D levels are less likely to fall and suffer fractures - their gait is better, muscles stronger, bones stronger . Their body is able to absorb around 50% more calcium for the bones than someone with low Vitamin D levels."

"As we age, our skin's ability to manufacture Vitamin D decreases - so even though natural sunlight can be our main source of Vitamin D when we are young - as we age and particularly if you are at risk of Vitamin D deficiency, it may be time to look at alternative Vitamin D sources such as supplementation," continued Professor Rebecca Mason.

Groups that are at the highest risk of Vitamin D deficiency include the elderly, especially those in residential care and women who cover their head and arms for cultural or religious reasons. Similarly people in shift work, miners and people with certain gastrointestinal conditions and kidney problems could also be at risk. For these people with low Vitamin D levels a safe and Halal approved Vitamin D supplement, 'Ostelin'' is available through pharmacies without a prescription.

Only Ostelin provides 1000 IU of Vitamin D in every capsule, the highest dose available in Australia without prescription. Ostelin capsules are available over the counter from pharmacies nationwide.

"Long term good health is a topic that is close to my heart," explains media personality and lifestyle guru Belinda Green. "In the 21st Century we are living longer and we have plans for our 'golden years' - things to do, dreams to fulfil. In sunny Australia it is hard to believe that people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency but they do. I have taken calcium tablets for years and now take one Ostelin capsule per day. I want to make sure that I am doing all that I can to keep my bones healthy & strong as I age!"

"For most of us it's all part of getting the balance right," Belinda points out. "Our bone health is critical to ensuring we stay active regardless of how old we are. So ensuring that both your calcium and your Vitamin D levels are adequate is vital."

Always read the label. Use only as directed.

Ostelin is available through pharmacies without a prescription for $14.65 (RRP)

Ostelin is distributed by Boots Healthcare Australia, makers of Consumer Healthcare products including Nurofen, UV Triplegard, Clearasil, Savlon


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