Australia Is A Nation of Lovers

Australia Is A Nation of Lovers

Australia Is A Nation of Lovers

As Kate and William venture into wedded bliss, the celebrations start to disperse and we hang up our dancing shoes, new research has revealed that Australians don't actually need a wedding to say 'I love you".

Commissioned by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, a survey has discovered that Australians are a loved-up nation, with over 40% saying those three little words on a daily basis. To coincide with the launch of Love & Other Drugs on Blu-ray and DVD, the research highlights how love, and the expression of love, has evolved.

While many Aussie blokes would be likely to shy away from a global love declaring press conference, simply saying the -L' word is not as difficult as previously thought, with one in five men saying 'I love you" every day.

Added to this, it seems we are growing more confident with our feelings. Rather than bowing to commitment pressures, couples are taking their time in the expression of their love. Seven out of ten Australians say 'I love you" only when the time is right, or when they feel it.

It also appears that no matter how many times you call, text, tweet or email your partner, saying 'I love you" for the first time, can only be done in one way - face to face, as seen in the movie when Jake Gyllenhaal's character Jamie, acknowledges he loves Maggie, played by Anne Hathaway. Only 9% of those surveyed choose to tell their boyfriend or girlfriend over the phone or in an email.

A spokesperson, Kristen McGrath, Associate Director of PR and Promotions for 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment said, 'Our research proves that Australians take love seriously. Regardless of your age or sex, saying those three little words is an important and pivotal time in our lives – similar to the situation faced by the characters in Love & Other Drugs. Men (65%) and women (70%) have only said 'I love you" to their boyfriend or girlfriend when they have truly meant it. This is a staggering number considering the perception that modern day love can sometimes get a bad press, especially with numerous celebrity hook ups or break ups."

And whilst you may be young at heart, it seems the older you get the less likely you are to say the 'L" word. Young Australians are more likely to say 'I love you" on a daily basis than older Australians. One in three aged 18-24 year olds declare their love every day compared to only two in ten, 45-55 years.

And while we don't all have the smooth charm of a prince, if there is one word of advice shared with all Australians, it might be to work on your timing and delivery. Say it too soon in a relationship and you may not end up with a fairy tale ending. Interestingly, the research shows that one in ten Australians started laughing, crying or simply went into a mild panic when they heard the words 'I love you".

Love & Other Drugs is available on Blu-ray and DVD from May 4th, 2011


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