A Changing Land

A Changing Land

A Changing Land

Sequel to bestselling debut novel The Bark Cutters.

Past and present interweave in A Changing Land, the continuing legacy of the Gordon family. It's the early 19th Century and Hamish Gordon has a massive rural holding built on stock theft and is determined to ensure that his son and heir, Angus will inherit an enlarged property. Embarking on a final stage of land acquisition, a ruthless plan to buy out his neighbours, Hamish's actions nearly destroy Wangallon and have serious repercussions for generations to come.

Luke, Hamish's eldest surviving son from his first marriage is a wild man, at odds with civilised society. Deeply affected by the untimely deaths of his siblings and mother some thirty years earlier he feels deserted. His unrequited love for his young step-mother leads him to choose a life as Wangallon's Boss drover, an existence which keeps him away from the property most of the year. When Luke learns that his father has engineered events to keep him on the property he must choose between a chance at a new life and the protection of the only home he has ever known.

In 1989 two years after the death of family patriarch Angus Gordon, Sarah Gordon now runs Wangallon with the assistance of her fiancé, Anthony. Their relationship begins to deteriorate when a power struggle develops between them. Sarah's problems escalate with the arrival of her Scottish half-brother, Jim Macken who is intent on receiving the inheritance bequeathed to him by Angus Gordon. Unable to buy Jim out and with the possibility of losing one third of Wangallon, Sarah finds herself fighting the law, her half-brother and Anthony.

She has the same unescapable Gordon qualities that will ensure both and her Wangallon's survival but will it be at the expense of her happiness?

A fourth generation grazier, Nicole Alexander spent 6 years at boarding school in Sydney, completed a BA through the University of New England before taking up a marketing career in Singapore and Australia. 11 years ago she returned to the family's wheat/cattle station in Moree, northern New South Wales and is now its business manager. Not only does she run the homestead but she is also a talented writer. Her poetry, travel and genealogy articles have been published in Australia, America and Singapore. She has a Master of Letters in creative writing and is currently working on the sequel to The Bark Cutters, Wangallon.

A Changing Land
Random House Australia
Author: Nicole Alexander
ISBN: 9781741669435
Price: $32.95




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