Zig Zag

Zig Zag

Starring: Sam Jones, Wesley Snipes, John Leguizamo, Oliver Platt, Luke Goss, Natasha Lyonne.
Director: David S. Goyer
Genre: Drama
Rating: MA 15+
Running Time: 96 mins
An autistic 15-year-old boy steals money from his boss to provide rent money for his abusive father and is befriended by an older man who becomes his mentor. Stars Wesley Snipes (Blade) Oliver Platt (Don't Say a Word, Pieces of April, 3 To Tango) John Leguizamo (Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliet)

An autistic teenager with the odds stacked against him. His Dad (Wesley Snipes) is a drug dealer who uses violence and abuse as discipline while his home is a run-down flat frequented by low-lifes and crims. In spite of this, ZigZag is a kind boy who wants to do the right thing. And with the help of his friend, Singer (John Leguizamo), who acts as his surrogate big brother, ZigZag may just be able to rise above his circumstances. However, when he takes cash from his work's safe thinking he is helping his Dad, ZigZag sets in motion a chain of life-changing events. If Singer has his way, the money will be returned and ZigZag's life will be back on track. If however, Singer's plan fails, ZigZag may find himself following the same tragic path of crime and punishment as his father.

Being a victim to circumstances is is not fictional, this movie portrays hope and courage that will move you.


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