Yvonne Adele aka Ms Megabyte

Yvonne Adele aka Ms Megabyte
Every month the Spotlight is put on a select Australian woman who has either excelled in her career, and/or has established a successful or potentially successful business. Highlighted in Spotlight are business profiles, answers to useful career questions as are some quirky personal points.

Spotlight is designed to give us all inspiration and confirm that anyone can make his or her business dream or that promotion a reality...

This month read on to find out all about Media Personality Yvonne Adele

She is Yvonne Adele aka Ms Megabyte. Each weekday between 12noon and 3pm, Yvonne presents an informative and entertaining program on Melbourne radio's 3AK 1116 on the AM dial. From "What Do you Do" exploring careers usual & diverse, to Computers with Yvonne's alter ego MS Megabyte, to Food, Movies & Comedy, and Yvonne's enormously popular on-air Book Club, Yvonne Adele captures the heart and lifestyle of Melbourne at its best.


Media personality


Age (optional):
3 (34 in 2003)

Q. Where did you grow up?
Melbourne, although spent some high school years in a little WA mining town called Pt Hedland.

Q. What was your first job?
Pulling sodas in an ice cream parlour./font>

Q. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A special education teacher (disability education)

Q. What qualifications/experiences are required to perform your job?
To be resourceful, have good communication skills and be confident and outgoing.

Q. How did you get to where you are now?
I just kept knocking on TV, magazine and radio doors until someone gave me a go, then the rest followed. My mantra, from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits book: PERSISTENCE, BELIEF, VISION AND ACTION.

Q. What are you really proud of?
A) personally? my happy, happy life, which is made up of my husband and two girls.
B) professionally? achieving my goal to never do a job I didn't like.

Q. Do you have a claim to fame you'd like to tell us about?
I once had a stand up comedy routine in a Sydney nightclub! (in the 80's)

Q. What do you class as your biggest career achievement?
Getting my first magazine article published - it has opened all other doors for me - it was a double page spread in the 65th birthday edition of Australian Women's Weekly. Thank you Nene King.

Q. How many hours a week do you work?
Sometimes 20, sometimes 80.

Q. Where would you like to be in ten years time?

Q. What advice would you give to somebody embarking on their first business or aspiring to achieve extraordinary career goals?
DO NOT give up. Just don't. If you do, you didn't deserve to achieve your goal anyway. Just DON'T! If you're looking for some direction read a book called 'What colour is my parachute'.

Q. What is the best piece of advice anybody has given you?
My husband - he taught me to 'Shush!'

Femail's Fast Facts

Q. Who living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner and why?
Michael Jackson, because I just HAVE to see it up close.

Q. Can you name a movie that actually inspired you?
Working Girl!

Q. Do you recall your favourite toy as a child:
The first thing that sprung to mind was the Dolly Varden ice cream birthday cakes I used to have. You get to eat the dress, then keep the doll!

Q. What are you reading at the moment?
Dirt Music for my 3AK book club, but I hate it.

Q. Is there a talent/attribute you wish you had?
Ability to read music and do sign language (not at the same time!).

Q. Which song transports you to another place when you hear it and why?
Time after time by Cyndi Lauper. They played it at the roller rink on my last day in Pt Hedland before we moved back to Melbourne. All my friends were crying.

Q. Your favourite place in the world, and why?
New York. Everyone comes away from there, having had a totally different experience and saying 'that's MY town'.

Q. What is your idea of the perfect Day?
Nothing to clean, no need to turn the computer on, sun and family laughter. Good food appearing from nowhere. Preceded and followed by more of the same.

Q. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read the words 'John Howard'?
Enough already. Evolve or retire!

Q. Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life (important to you)
Sustainable Love

Are there other related careers to your chosen career:
Re: Ms Megabyte, Sure - you can do so much with a love of IT. You can be creative and design things, you can be analytical and logistical and program things, you can be resourceful and support others.


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