Ways to Pinch Salt from your Diet:
- increase your consumption of fresh fruit and veg and reduce reliance on processed foods
- look for low salt (<120mg/100g Na), reduce salt or no added salt options when shopping and avoid high salt (>500mg/100g Na) foods as far as possible
- Check the label of different brands and choose the one with the lowest sodium content
- Make healthy snacks convenient, e.g/ have fresh fruit pre-chopped, keep low-fat yogurt in the fridge, and healthy home made meals in the freezer
- Limit take-aways and fast foods
- Don't add salt during cooking or at the table
- Use lemon juice, garlic, vinegar, or herbs and spices as an alternative to salt when cooking
- Avoid sea salt and rock salt
- Avoid stock cubes, soy sauce, mustard, pickles and mayonnaise. Instead flavour with herbs, spices, chilli, garlic, pepper, vinegar, lemon or lime juice
- Avoid salty snacks or limit salty snacks to an occasional treat
- When dining out, ask for sauces and other condiments to be served on the side rather than on the meal
- Don't be afraid to ask the staff about the salt content of meals and ask them not to salt the fries!


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