On World Arthritis Day - held on Tuesday, 12 October - Arthritis Victoria is calling for additional resources and services for Victorians living with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions.
"Boosting the support services available to people living with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions is our number one goal. We are working with governments, medical specialists, health service providers to achieve this," said Natalie Savin, Arthritis Victoria CEO.
"We need a broad cross government, cross healthcare approach: many people living with arthritis also face other healthcare challenges. A coordinated, multidisciplinary approach can significantly boost the health outcomes and quality of life for people living with arthritis."
Arthritis Victoria is seeking a commitment from the State Government and parliament to work together with us to:
� Improve early intervention and health outcomes through better access to health services. Addressing service access within rural and remote areas is of particular importance.
� Improve health and socio-economic outcomes through better coordination of care within the health system and across the health, disability and aged care sectors, as well as through better access to disability support schemes.
� Increase workforce participation and productivity by ensuring that adults of working age with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions are supported to remain within the workforce.
Arthritis Victoria offers a range of events, courses and resources to members and all Victorians. You can find out more information at the Arthritis Victoria website: For more information on World Arthritis Day visit the website and the Facebook page
Arthritis Victoria is a community-based health promotion organisation for people with arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions. Arthritis is Australia's major cause of disability and chronic pain and affects 18.6 percent of the Victorian population. More than 820,000 Victorians live with chronic pain and discomfort. Sixty two percent of people with arthritis are of working age, between 15 and 64 years. There are approximately 1,000 children in Victoria with juvenile arthritis.
For more information on arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions, call the Arthritis Victoria Telephone Information Service (available 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday on 8531 8000 or toll free for country callers 1800 011 041). For a range of resources and information on courses and events visit