V Raw Livestyle Design Search

V Raw Livestyle Design Search

V Raw Livestyle Design Search

The V Raw Livestyle Design Search, a competition which gives one up-and-coming fashion designer the chance to showcase their collection at Melbourne's LiveStyle Festival in 2010 plus $8,000 to see their creations come to life. The winner will also be personally mentored by fashion guru, Bowie Wong, an acclaimed fashion designer who has dressed the likes of Delta Goodrem, Good Charlotte, The Veronicas and George Michael.

Interview with Bowie Wong

Tell us about your place in the V Raw Livestyle Design Search?

Bowie Wong: As a fashion designer, I was approached by the V Raw LiveStyle team to be on the judging panel. I will also to provide mentoring to the winner in the following months.

What advice would you give to an up-and-coming designer?

Bowie Wong: Learn from rejection, to find your profession. Never assume success can be achieved in a day, nor succumb to the 'firework effect'.

Who is your favourite celebrity to dress?

Bowie Wong: Many of the celebrities I dress are from within the music industry - so without choosing any favourite, it is the women whose image and attitude to dressing embodies the high-class, glam-rock aesthetic of my designs that inspire me. Most recently, Kylie Minogue wore a Bowie signature dress backstage after the show, on her first-ever US tour, so that has been a definite highlight for me. Although, to create a bit of sibling rivalry... Danii would be next on my list of celebrities I would most like to dress.

Which Australian celebrity has the best style?

Bowie Wong: What about Dame Edna?

What piece or item can you add to any outfit to freshen the look?

Bowie Wong: Intelligence.

What should we be stocking our closets with for this Summer?

Bowie Wong: Believe it or not, but every Summer I actually stock my closet with a new set of mothballs.

What fashion essentials do we need to complete the upcoming trends?

Bowie Wong: Honestly, I do not follow trends, nor do I design based upon them. I simply do not believe in them. People should be comfortable in their own style, creating their own look based on personal preferences - not just following the crowd.

What is next for the fashion world?

Bowie Wong: It should be more outrageous, more fun, more individual. No politics, no rules... just pure expression.


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