Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception™
Nathan Drake sets out on a quest for the fabled Atlantis of the Sands on PlayStation 3.
Nathan Drake can now take on opponents in more ways than before: hand-to-hand combat with multiple opponents, contextual melee attacks and new stealth options.
Competitive and co-op multiplayer return with brand new experiences and massively expanded feature sets. The Uncharted universe provides a unique multiplayer experience, for the first time bringing the exciting cinematic elements of the single player campaign into multiplayer.
Award-winning storytelling and blockbuster cinematic action sequences. Combining story with dramatic action sequences and a thrilling pace, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception delivers an interactive cinematic experience that blurs the line between games and Hollywood films.
New locations, new challenges, stunning environmental detail. Nathan Drake's journey takes you to a variety of spectacular locations around the world from Europe to the Middle East.
Continue your mission in PlayStation Home* and try out three great mini-games.
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Greatness from small beginnings
Suited, booted and finding himself in a perilous situation once more, wisecracking fortune hunter Nathan Drake returns to PlayStation 3 to find a bruising welcome party in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.
London's seedy backstreets play host to the settling of a 20-year-old score, as Drake and his mentor and sidekick Victor Sullivan try to flush out an old acquaintance and safeguard a family heirloom once and for all. Yet Drake's desire to revisit his past threatens to engulf him in something far more sinister, an ancient plot casting a shadow as far back as the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Swapping Europe for the harsh sands of the Middle East, Drake sets off on his most daring adventure yet, inspired by Lawrence of Arabia's pursuit of the fabled Atlantis of the Sands, buried in the Rub' al-Khali desert. Along the way he will face the full force of a centuries-old occult organisation determined to reach the legendary city first and prevent its terrible secret from being revealed.
Amid flying bullets and flailing fists, Drake realises his quest for unimaginable wealth has turned into a desperate bid for survival and to win, he must confront his darkest fears.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception™Rated: MA15+ Strong violence; Gaming experience may change online
Players: 1 - 10
Platforms: Playstation 3, PSP
Release date: 3 November 2011