Ultimate Dodgeball

Ultimate Dodgeball

First call for Australia's Ultimate Dodgeball Team

Ultimate Dodgeball is back, and Sky Zone are giving away heaps of weekly prizes as well as a shot at representing Australia at the Ultimate Dodgeball Championship (UDC) in Chicago, USA.


All Sky Zones in Australia, Alexandria, Miranda & Macgregor, are welcoming dodgeball teams to sign up for the Ultimate Dodgeball season which kicks off April 11th and runs every Wednesday evening for 10 weeks, all in hope to find Australia's Ultimate Dodgeball Team.


The Australian grand final will take place at the Alexandria Sky Zone on June 27th with the winning team being flown to represent Australia at the Ultimate Dodgeball Championship in the US in August. The winning teams at the world championships will receive up to $50,000 in cash prizes, as well as the chance to call themselves 2018's Ultimate Dodgeball world champions.


All you need to do to get involved is find a squad of five ball-dodging experts and sign up on the Sky Zone website.  Although the main objective of the game is to avoid getting hit with the balls, Grant Smith General Manager of Alexandria Sky Zone explains there is more to succeeding than just that.


"It's hard to think of dodgeball without thinking of Ben Stiller's character White Goodman, but at the pointy end of the tournament, the competition is fierce, with players on many of the strong teams eclipsing 130 km in throwing speed."


"You definitely need a good arm. Having a good arm is essential to being able to zing the ball and throw it fast.  The teams also play on wall-to-wall trampolines, which makes the game that much more difficult and fun."


"It's such a healthy and competitive sport. For anyone playing high school or college sports that wants to stay competitive, this is the number one sport for that in the nation. It's easy, and you can knock out games pretty fast… It's such a blast," says Smith.


So, for your chance to win big, get fit and have fun in the process, sign up you and your squad. Practices take place on Wednesday's and with each week there's a chance to win heaps of prizes… so say goodbye to boring and grab life by the balls!


You know what to do. https://www.skyzone.com.au/dodgeball


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