"Falling Asleep with Tottie Goldsmith"
Tottie Goldsmith researched and wrote this CD with internationally renowned sleep scientist Chris Bunney. They combined Tottie Goldsmith 's 12 years of meditation experience and Chris's scientifically proven and best-practice techniques for treating sleep disorders. Tottie Goldsmith 's soothing voice will lead you through a combination of simple yet proven and powerful techniques to relax the body and facilitate you through the transition from wake to sleep.
The purpose of sleep is for the mind and body to recover from the experiences of the day just gone, and to prepare for the next. This CD is designed to facilitate you through the transition from wake to sleep with several scientifically proven techniques that will lead you from a state of tension and arousal, to a feeling of deep relaxation and sleepiness.
RRP: $29.95
Order Now 'Falling Asleep with Tottie Goldsmith'
"A Sleep Story With Tottie Goldsmith"
A Sleep Story has a combination of breathing techniques used in meditation, visualizations and loving affirmations woven through a happy and positive story that takes children on a magical journey up to the clouds. Up in the clouds we meet some lovely little fairies that blow golden kisses which come in the form of star mist. It's a magical golden mist filled with love and when you breathe it in, it will make you happy, healthy and strong. You can even keep some in your pocket for when ever you need it.
This CD will assist with childrens pre-bedtime routine.
A supportive tool to encourage deep sleep and for when our children need reassurance or just want to go on a wonderful magical journey.
RRP: $29.95
Order Now 'A Sleep Story with Tottie Goldsmith'As a special introductory promotion for 'A Sleep Story' and 'Falling Asleep' the first 20 orders for each of these CDs will be personally signed by Tottie Goldsmith.
Order Now 'Falling Asleep with Tottie Goldsmith'Order Now 'A Sleep Story with Tottie Goldsmith'LET'S TALK TO TOTTIE GOLDSMITH
1. What was your inspiration behind 'Falling Asleep' & 'A Sleep Story'?
My inspiration for recording
"Falling Asleep", a CD to aid us in sleep, was born from my own sleep issues. I struggled with CFS for a number of years and one of the symptoms, was not being able to sleep at night and then exhausted all day. I resented having to take sleeping pills because it added to the 'foggy' feeling I had the next day and also they became less effective the more I used them. I began to alternate between taking pills and using meditation techniques to help me escape from my racing mind and uptight body until my need for the pills was practically gone.
My inspiration for
"A Sleep Story", a childrens self soothing and sleep CD, came not only out of seeing the benefits of these techniques in my daughter Layla, but my passion for children to learn how to help themselves with stress while they are still young. With the breathing techniques our kids learn to focus away from thought to their breath, which has enormousphysiological benefits for both young and old, and in time 'self soothing' will become second nature. I practice visualizations to help myself in all sorts of wonderful ways from my health to things I want to attract into my life and find it very powerful, teaching our kids to see themselves happy, safe and well can only be a good habit to get into. Happy thoughts, happycells! And you never know, maybe our next generation will be less stressed out than we are.
2. Did you learn anything about your own sleeping pattern during this process?
I remember hearing someone say many years ago that we should never argue in the bedroom, that it should be kept for love and sleep alone. They should have added that we shouldn't worry to the list too. Sadly most of us take our worries to bed, trying to solve the problems of the world in the still of the night when we are exhausted and not thinking clearly. I was aworrier, and after I taught myself to put my concerns on a piece of paper and allow things to be as they are till the next day, my sleep became easier. I gained comfort in accepting that things wouldn't be left undone but taken care of with a crisp fresh mind the next day.
3. How did you and Chris Bunney come together?
Oddly enough, I was walking with my manager Mel into a restaurant that I was singing at that evening when I mentioned that I wanted my next CD to be focused on sleep issues. Helping people get off pills, etc. as I believed so deeply in the use of meditation techniques to relax the mind and body. Well, that night a gentleman came up and introduced himself as Chris Bunney which automatically turned into Bunny Hop, we spoke for some time then I asked him what he did for work and he told me that he was a sleep scientist. Can you believe it! I told him not to move an inch and grabbed Mel and we fell apart laughing and the rest is history. "The law of attraction" :-)
4. Do you plans for producing more CDs?
Yes I do. There are many areas that we can assist people with finding a quiet mind, inner peace and clarity and my next CD will be aimed at teenagers. The psychologist I worked on "A Sleep Story" with is very keen to work on that project with me as well and as Layla is 2 months away from being 13, I'm going to get right down to business!!
5. How does meditation bring balance to your life?
I find that I don't really overreact in situations that may otherwise have stirred me up and I have found an enormous shift in being able to register my inner dialogue as my mind isn't racing. To me, our predominant thoughts are what we will act upon and manifest into our lives, so I am conscious of my inner thoughts and work at guiding them to more productive desires. I am definitely a better listener than I was because I'm not in a hurry going nowhere. I don't struggle with moods except for my relationship with chocolate at that time of month and I also feel more comfortable with myself, more grounded than I ever was before. I guess I have an underlying happiness no matter what I'm going through, and if I do get upset it blows over very quickly. Basically, I just feel better.
6. What is the biggest challenge you have faced?
Finding the courage to take a close look at myself . To remove the mask I spent so many years hiding behind and learning to trust that I was 'enough' on my own, as the raw, vulnerable, imperfect person that I was. That I was acceptable and valuable without having anything to offer. I learnt most of this through my 5 year struggle with CFS.
7. Who has had the most influence on your life? Why?
My aunt Olivia (Newton-John) has influenced me more than anyone. Not because of her fame, but because her ability to love with such depth, her loyalty and her freedom from judgment but mainly her courage and grace.
8. What's next for Tottie?
Well, I'm getting ready to perform with the Chantoozies in the "Countdown Spectacular" national tour happening in September. I am writing a book and on deadline which is challenging. I am also looking at a couple of scripts, one of them shoots in Thailand later in the year so it would be fantastic if that one gets the green light.
9. What 5 things do you require for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
First and foremost, knowing that my daughter is safe, healthy and happy
2nd - a quiet mind and open heart through meditation.
3rd - loving and being loved
4th - being physically fit and knowing that I'm putting good food in my mouth
5th - having a stable income.
I think I cheated because I doubled up on a couple
10. What message would you like to say to your fans?
Q10. I don't feel comfortable with the word 'fans' but what would I say to the people reading this? Hmmmm! Firstly; Never give up on yourself! But also, get your mind settled so you can hear your instincts a little clearer..trust them, they're always right.
60 second quiz
Full Name: Caroline Tottie Goldsmith
Nickname/s: Toots, tootsie mama, totster, plonka
Star Sign: virgo
Favorite Food: tuna salad - sad but true
Favorite Film: haven't seen it yet
Favorite Actor: too hard
Pet: Birdie Num Nums - my budgie
Describe yourself in 3 words: loving, playful, cheeky
Best Feature: my open mind
Worst Feature: my sense of direction
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Mother Mira
Hobbies/Interests: reading, excercise, drinking wine while I cook for my buddies.
First Job: Door bitch at my dad's night club, although I wasn't very good at it
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: a smile
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: Where is my noodle pop (Layla)?