In this first new production of Tosca in almost 30 years, director Christopher Alden brings us a bold and unflinching vision of this tragic tale of political persecution, rape and murder.

Floria Tosca and her lover Mario Cavaradossi are embroiled in a plot to help a friend escape from prison. Baron Scarpia, the chief of police, is determined to extract the truth from Cavaradossi, and a kiss - and the rest -from Tosca. Will she sacrifice herself to save her lover? I lived for art, I lived for love... Tosca's famous aria is one of opera's greatest moments.

Hear the soaring voices of America soprano Takesha Meshe Kizart (replacing Cheryl Barker) and Nicole Youl as Tosca, alongside a cast of stars including John Wegner, Rosario La Spina, Carlo Barricelli and Warwick Fyfe plus the unforgettable Opera Australia Chorus.


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