Lots of ways to treat yourself, a partner or friend to both relaxing and stimulating massage. And an excellent tool to increase sensitivity and stimulate blood circulation.
Instruction leaflet includes :
Gripping Exercise
Relaxing the leg muscles
Massaging the sacrum
Shoulder massage
The back massage with knee-bends
Check the reflex points of the hand. Our fingers represent different areas of the head as well as the teeth and jaw. At the same time it is possible to manipulate the stomach, heart liver and shoulder girdle via the back of the hands.
Comes with needle valve for the regulation of pressure to meet individual needs.
Available in sizes:
6cm - Set of 2 Orange / 8cm - Set of 2 Yellow / 9cm - Set of 2 Red / 10cm - Set of 2 Blue
Made in Germany, TOGU is a world wide market leader in restorative therapy, sport fitness therapy and exercise products. RRP: Between $11.95 - $18.95

Try this on your baby before a bath, with gentle massage your baby will sleep well at night.
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