All things considered, we've come a long way. We're getting better at discussing what were once delicate topics. For example, many women now freely and openly discuss menopause, while 50 years ago it was still often referred to in hushed tones as 'the change'.
However, there is still some way to go in breaking down the stigma around a virus that's so common, it affects one in eight people – genital herpes.
What is herpes?
There are two types of the herpes simplex virus – HSV1 and HSV2. Oral herpes, commonlyknown as cold sores, is caused by HSV1.
In the past, genital herpes was typically always caused by HSV2. However, that has nowchanged, says Dr Joanne Peel of the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. "More than half ofgenital infections today are due to HSV1," says Dr Peel. "This is believed to be as a result ofthe increase in oral sex, particularly among young people."
HSV1 is transmitted via oral to oral, oral to genital, and genital to genital contact. HSV2 istransmitted only via genital to genital contact.
Today, children are less likely to be infected with cold sores, for example, from kissingparents and other young children. However, HSV1 still remains far more common thanHSV2, says Dr Peel. "In fact, it is estimated that up to 80% of people in Australia carryHSV1, compared to around 12% for HSV2," she says.
Young women more at risk
Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of getting genital herpes, even if they don't havevaginal or anal sex because the HSV1 virus can be transmitted by oral sex. Dr Peel saysyounger people, "particularly young women under 25 years of age", are at a higher risk ofgenital HSV1 versus HSV2."
"We strongly encourage young women to advocate for their own health and try to negotiatecondom use assertively," she says.
How is herpes spread?
First, let's talk about how it's not spread. Despite what you may have been told, you can't getherpes from toilet seats, bedding, or swimming pools, or from touching objects around yousuch as taps, soap, or towels.
The herpes virus enters the body through breaks in the skin, or tiny skin abrasions aroundthe mouth, genitals or anus. These abrasions are generally caused by friction during sex,and are often so small they cannot be seen. The virus will then live in nerve cells, "where itwill essentially stay for life", says Dr Peel.
For most of the time the herpes virus won't cause any problems. In fact, a person "may noteven know they are infected with the virus," says Dr Peel. However, at certain times, thevirus will infect skin cells at the surface, causing an outbreak.
Signs and symptoms of herpes
Despite how common herpes is, Dr Peel says it's often under-recognised because it oftenhas no, or very mild, symptoms. However, others can have noticeable symptoms, which mayinclude:
• itching or irritation around the anal or genital area