For three years, millions of people stayed focused on every detail of this sad and shocking story - how two and a half year old Caylee Anthony went missing for nearly a month before her disappearance was reported by her grandmother, how Caylee's remains were found six months later just blocks from the Anthony home, how her mother Casey lied to authorities and seemed to revel in the attention paid to her as the prime suspect, the sordid facts that were revealed during the trial and finally, the verdict that so few seem able to accept. After she was found not guilty of the murder of her young daughter, Casey Anthony became the most hated woman in America. Mainstream media and the blogosphere have been inundated with cries of outrage that Casey is now a free woman - but even after all the attention paid to this tragic case, we don't know much about who Casey Anthony really is - in this one-hour episode, THS will attempt to find out.


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