The Stripper Next Door

The Stripper Next Door

Suzie Q

Emma Lea Corbett, known by her stage name, Suzie Q, built a successful career out of wearing nothing more than high heels. But beneath the glittery eye shadow and girly charm is a savvy businesswoman at the head of a successful business empire.

While performing as an exotic dancer, she began her Communications degree at university, thus beginning her double life as a university student by day and stripper by night. Despite completing her degree, she chose to turn her passion for pole dancing into a career"learning not only about the business of getting naked for money, but the importance of following your heart, even if society (or your parents) don't approve.

"Suzie Q"exotic dancer turned business-savvy entrepreneur"bares all! A no holds barred account of her secret life as a stripper and what happens when it all comes crashing down."

This is her story.

The Stripper Next Door
New Holland Publishers
Author: Emma Lea Corbett
RRP: $29.99


Interview with Emma Lea Corbett

Question: What inspired you to write The Stripper Next Door?

Emma Lea Corbett: I have had an overwhelmingly positive experience as both a stripper and a professional pole dancer, however most people have preconceived misconceptions about both these industries that are quite negative. My initial reason for writing the book was to provide a glimpse into the complex human being behind the stereotypical -stripper', and hopefully provide an alternative narrative for people – the idea that the way they think it is not necessarily the way it is.

Question: What do you hope readers take from The Stripper Next Door?

Emma Lea Corbett: Our lives are a process of continually challenging our beliefs about the way we think the world is and about the way we think we are. I think this book shows how flimsy our constructed identities can be, and how clinging to old ideas of who we are is sometimes what stops us from moving forward.

Question: What's a typical day like, for you?

Emma Lea Corbett: It varies wildly! If I'm teaching yoga then I'm up at 5 or 6am, however I try not to take on too many early morning, if I am performing then I often don't get home until after midnight. Because I mostly tend to work evenings and nights, the mornings are my time – I walk, do yoga, meditate… and love creating elaborate cooked breakfasts for myself and my family. During the day I train/rehearse, do admin and catch up with friends. Nights and weekends are still my -working week' with shows and classes, so my schedule is opposite to most people.

Question: Why should women try Pole Dancing, as a form of exercise, this year?

Emma Lea Corbett: I think that if you are drawn to do something then why not give it a go? Most studios offer a free trial class nowadays so you literally have nothing to lose – and you gain the opportunity to make new friends, experience an incredibly supportive female environment and get strong. Really strong.

Question: What's next, for you?

Emma Lea Corbett: Performing, teaching and learning. Always learning. My partner Toby and I recently won the Pairs Division of the Australian Pole Championships so we have some performances and workshops coming up. I am leading and teaching at some incredible women's events, retreats and festivals this year in Australia, India, Greece and America – you can find details at I would really like to do some more studies with my teachers in India, and more work with the charity and social change organisations I am partnered with over there.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


The Stripper Next Door
New Holland Publishers
Author: Emma Lea Corbett
RRP: $29.99


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