The Stitches & Craft Show

One of the nation's most loved travelling craft shows, The Stitches & Craft Show, is heading to Newcastle for a huge event complete with inspiring exhibitors, hands-on workshops, fashion parades, textile exhibitions, the latest products, DIY ideas and much more.

Debuting in Newcastle for the first time at the show will be an international textile exhibition featuring 50 incredible art quilts. Made using a wide variety of styles, techniques and fibres, the quilts have been created by renowned quilters such as Diane Firth (Aust), Hsin-Chen Lin (Taiwan), Alicia Merrett (England) and Cynthia St Charles (USA).

After receiving critical acclaim during its recent tour of France, The Sentinelles Exhibition: A Display of Embroidered Textile Art will feature at the event and showcase stunning embroidered textile panels by highly talented quilters and textile artists from France, England, the USA and Australia.

Joining the show as the special guest artist is Janelle Wind who has been a pattern designer in the patchwork industry for over 15 years, a teacher and author of the book, Pieces of Me. Janelle will be showcasing her latest works, sharing her designs through paper patterns and signing copies of her book.

The Stitches & Craft Show will also feature the 5000 Poppies Project in which handcrafted poppies are being created and combined into a -field' for Federation Square on Anzac Day 2015. This phenomenal project, which was started by Lynn Berry and Margaret Knight, has already seen over 26,000 poppies created to date. Show attendees will have the opportunity to take part by bringing along their poppies for inclusion on a wall at the show, before being collected by the Hunter Group of the Knitters Guild of NSW and put towards the Project.


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