The future looked bleak and predictable for little Keelen Mailman. Keelen had a loving yet alcoholic mother, an absent father, was forced to single-handedly raise four young siblings at the tender age of 14, faced the horrors of regular sexual and physical assault, and encountered the casual racism of a small Australian outback town in the seventies.
But somehow, despite the pain and deprivation, the lost education, Keelen managed to absorb and hold onto her mother's life lessons: her Bidjara language and culture, her obligations to country.
So it was no surprise to some that a girl who could hide for a year in her own home to keep her family together, run as fast as Rayelene Boyle and hunt porcupine to survive would one day make history. At just 30, and a single mother, Keelen Mailman became the first Indigenous woman to run a commercial cattle station when she took over Mt Tabor, two hours from Augathella on the black soil plains of western Queensland.
Mt Tabor is the heartland of Bidjara country, after all, and the place her mother and grandparents and great-grandparents had camped on and cared for. A place where her great ancestors left their marks on caves and rock walls more than 10,000 years ago.
In her unflinching, heartfelt memoir, Keelen Mailman pulls no punches as she recalls the startling racism her family endured and the shocking violence of their lives. But this is a story of redemption, shot through with the grandeur of love and endurance and an irresistible humour that has helped her survive, and to achieve a life-long goal: to bring the remains of her people back to their country, and see Mt Tabor returned to its original owners once more.
Keelen Mailman was born in Clermont to a poor Aboriginal family with a history of alcoholism. Now she is the first Indigenous female station manager for Mt Tabor, home to her tribal Bidjara people.
Allen and Unwin
The Power Of Bones
Author: Keelen Mailman
RRP: $29.99
Question: What inspired you to write your memoir, The Power Of Bones?
Keelen Mailman: I have been though so much in my life from sexual child abuse, domestic violence and racism. With so many people out there that have or could have been through worse and in so many instances behind closed doors it's still happening, I wanted to show courage and strength and speak out in the hope it might help others heal. All I've ever wanted is to help people so I'm hoping that I have done that with telling my story.
Question: Was it difficult to relive certain aspects of your life when writing The Power Of Bones?