On 20th December 2008, two Sydney city workers will be setting out from Byron Bay in a two-person sea kayak to take on a twenty day adventure of a lifetime, as they paddle down the east coast of Australia to Bondi Beach. Theyll be braving 5m swells, 30 knot winds, reefs, sharks and muscle fatigue this Christmas and New Year as they raise money for charity.

Scott Timbrell from Bondi and Rob Lowe from Manly, have set themselves the challenge of raising $10,000 for The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, by paddling a two person sea kayak along the 740km of coast line. Scotts father, Douglas Timbrell was recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, but due to the skills of doctors at the Sydney hospital, hes now fit and well and will be shadowing the pair down the coast as they prepare for fundraising events in each town along the way.

Scott Timbrell said, “Weve been told about sharks and dangerous weather that well have to face on the trip, but its nothing compared to being told that your dad has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I thought at the time that I could either sit around and do nothing, or get up and do something about it. So here we are.”

Prostate Cancer is a serious but avoidable illness. Its as prevalent as breast cancer is in women, but general awareness of the disease is lower and often diagnosis is made too late. Men over 40 should go to the doctor and ask for a routine check-up.

Scott and Rob are relative novices when it comes to sea kayaking. Rob said, “Neither of us have ever done anything like this before and training has been tough to fit around our jobs, but were on track and are both excited about getting onto the water. Were looking forward to drumming up some support and funds for Prostate Cancer in coastal towns along the way.”

All equipment has been organised by friends, sponsors and people who support their cause. Adventurer James Castrission, who achieved the world first trans Tasman kayak crossing said, "It's great to see fellow kayakers getting out there and challenging themselves, whilst at the same time raising funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer.
Both Justin and I believe in what Rob and Scott are going out to achieve and will support them in any way that we can. We can only urge you to do the same.”

Anyone wishing to follow their journey can visit their www.b2b4prostate.blogspot.com.au website where pictures taken by a waterproof Olympus Tough 1030sw camera, videos and news, will be uploaded along the way. On the site there is also a link for those wishing to donate money to The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.


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