A practical guide to help you survive and thrive when times are tough
It doesn't matter whether you're a billionaire, famous, a CEO or unemployed – we all have our own sh!t that we need to sort out. It might have started with your parents, or the bullies from school, but it's more than likely created from your own insecurities, and even worse, it often stops you from living your best life.
In the new book, Sort Your Shit Out ($29.99, 1 Aug 2020) transformational change specialist Gary Waldon draws from decades of experience working with a variety of clients to provide an irreverent self-help exploration into where your sh!t comes from and how you can take back control. Everyone experiences life's ups and downs, but Waldon focuses on what you can do to maintain a healthy mental balance while life happens. Using his experiences helping companies transform along with rescuing himself from his own darkness, Waldon presents his unique Self-Help Improvement Toolkit (SH!T):
• Know your shit –identifying where your shit comes from
• Own your shit –we often blame others for our unhappiness, learn to own your shit
• Deal with your shit – knowledge without action is useless, develop strategies to deal with it
• Manage your shit - just like going to gym, you need to work at staying sh!t-fit
This isn't a generic self-help book telling you to think positively and that only good things will happen. This is a no bullsh!t Aussieas-heck guide to help you Sort Your Sh!t Out.
About the author:
Gary Waldon is a transformational change specialist who has helped many organisations improve their productivity and profitability. He has a diverse background which includes being a topless waiter, a lecturer, and advisor to CEOs. Starting his working life as a high school teacher, Gary has had over 41 different jobs throughout his life and also earned two Masters degrees in business and finance along with his teaching qualifications. His 'give it a go' approach to life has seen him launch several start-ups as well as being featured on national television for his unique marketing campaigns. Throughout his life Gary has always felt like he didn't belong and that he was never good enough. After many years of learning to sort his shit out he decided to capture the lessons learnt along the way to help others, resulting in his debut book.
Sort Your Sh!t Out
Quikmark Media
Author: Gary Waldon
ISBN: 9780648832003
RRP: $29.99
Interview with Gary Waldon
Question: What originally inspired the idea of Sort Your Shit Out?
Gary Waldon: Sort Your Shit Out is the result of several seemingly unrelated events which formed the idea. I have always felt like I didn't fit in, that I wasn't good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough. As a result I went through life hurting myself and those I love with self-sabotaging behaviour to the point where my wife told me to Sort My Shit Out and stop hurting others as she kicked me out. Turns out, her tough love approach was what I needed and it set me on a path of self-discovery. The final piece was after driving Dan* - a young man who needed help - to a men's group meeting. Dan is a good young man who had taken a path that led to drug dealing and criminal charges. During the drive he kept saying he needed to sort his shit out, and I also noticed that it was a common phrase the men in the circle used. I realised that most of us acknowledge that we have shit we need to sort out. The next morning I started writing the book.
Question: Who do you hope reads Sort Your Shit Out?
Gary Waldon: Everyone. Shit doesn't discriminate between age, gender, sexual preferences, race or any other traits we might have - everyone has their shit. From the time we become self-aware we start to care about what people think and where we belong. I have had people from every walk of life tell me that the book helped them to varying degrees. For some it was the point that started them on life changing journey, while for others it helped them deal with some shit they had hanging around. One comment I regularly hear when I mention the is "I know someone who should read this", which amuses me. They may be right, but their blind spot biases seem to be causing them to ignore the fact that, like everyone else, they also have shit that may not be serving them well.
Question: How did you develop your approach to mental health?
Gary Waldon: As a transformation consultant who works with large numbers of people in organisations and help them change their behaviours, skills and culture, I have a framework that can be applied to everybody at an individual level. Additionally, having lived through my own anxiety and depression and seeking to understand the source of my shit and how to address it helped me develop a tested approach I wanted to share with others.
Question: What did you learn about yourself, whilst writing the book?
Gary Waldon: I learnt that while I may be able to deal with the shit in my life now, the key to becoming more resilient was to also have strategies for the future. The concept of becoming and staying physically fit was something I had done all my life, and I realised I needed to apply that same logic to mental fitness. In my book I talk about the power of Bob - which is the name I've given the voices and thoughts running around in my head. This process increased my mental fitness by helping me call BS on Bob when he gets out of control and it continues to make a difference in my daily outlook and how I manage ups and downs.
Question: What's the main message you hope readers take from Sort Your Shit Out?
Gary Waldon: The key thing I would love readers to take away is that everyone has their shit. However, they can change the negative thought patterns and fake news running around their heads. Once readers realise this it can be really empowering and help them to know and own their shit. This will also encourage them to take back control from areas where their shit is stopping them living their best life. If people are living a life less hindered by SH!T then that is a win for them and their loved ones.
Question: Can you share some tips with us, featured in the book?
Gary Waldon: Three key tips for Sorting Your Sh!t Out
• Understand your Superhero back story. This is to help you identify where your shit comes from and the barriers that are preventing your true super potential. Think of your favourite super hero and think about their back story. You will realise that there is always obstacles such as self doubt that they need to overcome to realise their true super potential.
• Realise you are not your thoughts. By being able to identify the voices inside your head, and acknowledge they often tell you fake news will allow you to call BS on them and effectively manage the lows life throws at you.
• Get shit fit. Just like keeping our bodies fit, getting shit fit is the key to good mental health and requires work to deal with our current shit, as well as ongoing work to maintain our shit fit so we can continue to thrive into the future.
Question: What research did you do, prior to writing Sort Your Shit Out?
Gary Waldon: As part of my studies and career I've had the opportunity to explore and apply transformational change strategies across large organisations helping thousands of people deal with change. Not to mention, the years I spent trying to sort my own shit out. This hands-on experience combined with research specific to the book topics helped create a practical and relevant book.
Question: What advice do you have for aspiring writers or artists?
Gary Waldon: Take the Nike approach and Just Do It.! When my head starts the rant of self-doubt that results in procrastination and avoidance, I remind myself of my wise wife's advice "you can edit shit, but if you don't write anything you got nothing to work with. Start, even if it is not your best work. By putting thoughts down on paper you start to refine your words and stories which I found often gives me a way forward. The second thing is believe in yourself and don't let anyone tell you no. I got a couple of no replies and no thanks from various publishers and so I set up my own publishing company called Do Good Sh!t Publishing. Now, we are looking at more ways to do good shit for others.
Question: What or who inspired your love of reading/writing?
Gary Waldon: My beautiful wife taught me the power of writing. As a journo and author she mentored my writing and encouraged me to find my voice. I am forever grateful for her advice, wisdom and talent.
Question: What's next, for you?
Gary Waldon: I started Do Good Sh!t publishing as a way to get my book out to market because I believed it could help people. Together with the amazingly passionate creative team that came together to get the book out there, I am exploring ways to build a community movement focussed on doing good shit in these tough times. We are looking at options for the next book, but I am always open to suggestions!
Interview by Gwen van Montfort