Sophie Wasley

Sophie Wasley
'Spotlight' is designed to give us all inspiration and confirm that anyone can make his or her business dream or that promotion a reality...


This month read on to find out all about Sophie Wasley.


'Imageis. The Visual Research Group', commenced as a business in September 2001 'Imageis. The Visual Research Group', is involved in 3 major areas including visual research, clearance of images, artworks or information used within the media industry and presentations. Presentations involve powerpoint, digital imaging or graphic design. An on-call service, we promise a fast and efficient turn around in all of these areas and often work on over-night turnarounds to relieve the pressure of clients.

In our field of work we have worked for advertising agencies, production companies films and architecture companies. Our work varies in each job depending on the style of work it entails.

Owner and Director of 'Imageis. The Visual Research Group'

'Imageis. The Visual Research Group'.

New South Wales


Where did you grow up?
In the heart of Sydney, Australia.

What was your first job?
Working for Mum and Dad in their Newsagency. I stocked up on the best magazines in town.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An Interior Designer or an inventor. I always wanted to be creative and have a pen or a computer next to me at all times. Nothing has changed.

How did you get to where you are now?
I studied Interior Design at University, and I always had a love for history, art and architecture. I also loved developing concepts, but got really bored after 2 weeks of designing. I decided that I did not want to be an interior designer, as I wanted to have a less 2-dimensional life, so I began to dress windows. From there I accidentally landed a job on a commercial styling. I really wanted to work in film, so I got a job as a designer's assistant on Red Planet, where I helped the designer develop their concepts through visual research and digital imaging. After spending 2 years working solely on image research and clearance of images I could see there was a gap in the market. People always need an image in advertising and film to develop their ideas and concepts.

What qualifications/experiences are required to perform your job?
A good eye, the ability to think extremely left field, common sense, to think in pictures not words. Computer skills are essential.

How many hours a week do you work?
We work depending on how busy we are, I will work until all is perfected. I spend additional time researching whenever I can.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
I would love to have my computer by my side working purely online on an island.

What advice would you give to somebody embarking on their first business or aspiring to achieve extraordinary career goals?
Follow your dreams and your loves, stay passionate and believe in yourself.

What do you class as your biggest career achievement?
Getting our first job in our business, and continuing to pick up work as we go along.

What is the best piece of advice anybody has given you?
There is no such thing as luck. Luck is when you prepare yourself to be ready for the next situation that comes your way.

Fast Facts

Who living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner?
Le Corbusier and Mies Van Der Rohe. They were such extremists for their time - they broke away from traditional architecture to create and form modernism. I love their style of architecture and would discuss in depth every project that they worked on.

Name a movie that actually inspired you?
"English Patient" - it was beautiful and I was travelling through Italy at the time.

Your favourite toy as a child:
Blanki! It was my blanket that was placed on me when I was born and still have today!

What are you reading at the moment?
"A Monk Swimming" by Malachy McCourt

Is there a talent/attribute you wish you had/ had more of?
I wish I could write as I am dyslexic. Mandy (my business partner) has edited everything for me.

Which song transports you to another place when you hear it and why?
"All I Want Is You" by U2

Your favourite place in the world, and why?
Butterfly Valley in Turkey. It is just magical!

What is your idea of the perfect Day?
Getting up, going for a run along the beach, having a coffee, and spending the rest of the day with people I love, laughing.

Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life (important to you)
Peace of mind
Great Friends and family.
Living everyday to the fullest
Never having any regrets

Are there other related careers to your chosen career:
Graphic Design, product clearance, photography, art direction.

Yet again we have another success story highlighting the fact that dreams CAN and really DO come true, all you have to do is believe in yourself and remain passionate about what it is you truly want to achieve in life. Ed.

Many thanks Sophie from the team!

CLICK HERE to read all about Sophie's partner in crime - Mandy Porter.


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