Snoring - Annoying or Deadly?

Snoring - Annoying or Deadly?
If you are in a live-in relationship and your partner snores, it can drive you crazy. For some couples it can place a wedge in the bedroom to the point that sometimes you cannot bear sleeping in the same room as your partner, due to lack of sleep!

So what causes that awful noise?

The sound you hear (that your partner denies he/she makes) is caused by air vibrating the soft palate, which lies at the top back of the throat. If you are not a 'regular' snorer, you may be horrified to find out that you do occasionally snore, which I'm sure you will flatly deny also. This will usually occur when you cannot nose breath. Problems that lead to this are head colds, enlarged adenoids, and nasal growths. You are more likely to snore if you are on your back, as this causes your mouth to drop open, and your tongue to slide back and affect the flow of air; resulting in that irritating vibration of the soft pale- snoring.

Techniques to avoid snoring

Try to sleep on your side. A laughable but effective way to stop you from rolling on your back, is to sew an object such as a hairbrush to the back of your pyjamas, as this will stop you from rolling on your back. Chemists have various gadgets such as nose clips which help to keep the nasal passages open (ask your pharmacist about any other remedies that may help to reduce this problem). In severe cases surgery may help to stop snoring.

When snoring is dangerous - Sleep Apnoea

In some cases snoring can lead to a more serious condition called sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea occurs when a person actually stops breathing during sleep. It is usually accompanied by snoring. You may hear the person snore, then there will be an absence of sound for many seconds, and then you will hear the person take a deep breath (or a deep snore that kind of sounds like they are choking). Sleep apnoea can wake the person suffering it many times in a night, however they may not remember this the next morning. This can make the person feel exhausted, as they have not had the opportunity to sleep soundly. This condition can also deprive the sufferer of oxygen throughout the night, and as a result they may feel tired and irritable the next day.


An obstruction of the airway
Failure of the nerve impulses that drives breathing (this is much more serious).


If you suspect your partner or family member suffers from this condition, it is extremely important for them to seek professional help. The sufferer may need to go into hospital overnight for a sleep study. Once diagnosed treatment may include:

- Losing weight
- Artificial ventilation during the night whilst sleeping
- In severe cases removal of the:
- tonsils
- adenoids
- shortening the soft palate

Failing that if you can't cure snoring, you have three options:
1. Buy ear plugs
2. Find a house with a spare room, and throw your snoring partner in it
3. Join a dating service and hope for the best!

- Louise Ganey


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