Say I DOugh Campaign

This morning, Australian Marriage Equality (AME) and Ben & Jerry's are announcing an Australian-first campaign that will increase pressure on federal MPs to support marriage equality. 

Part of the -Say I DOugh' campaign, the new initiative dubbed #EqualityCalling encourages voters who support marriage equality to record a message that will be automatically delivered to their federal representatives. Ben & Jerry's and AME wanted to facilitate this mass voicemail petition as a result of a number of MPs claiming that the issue of Marriage Equality wasn't important to their constituents due to  few phone calls on the topic.

To kick off the campaign, Ben & Jerry's will unveil the Say I DOugh #EqualityCalling phone box, an iconic London phone box with a Mardi Gras makeover. This rainbow-coloured, glitter-bombed phone box will serve as a highly visual symbol; rallying people to unite in support of Marriage Equality and have their voices heard by their MPs and representatives.

The #EqualityCalling phone box debuts at Mardi Gras' famous Fair Day on Sunday 22 February in Sydney, with those attending encouraged to leave a voicemail for their local MP. Those unable to attend Fair Day can still have their say and leave messages of support by calling 1300 663 679.


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