'Spotlight' is designed to give us all inspiration and confirm that anyone can make his or her business dream or that promotion a reality...Spotlight is on: Sarah Cross of www.hamperingaround.com.au This month read on to find out all about Sarah Cross, founder of
Sarah Cross, founder of Hampering Around, saw an opportunity three years ago to promote unique gift ideas to the corporate market. An inveterate networker, Sarah believes networking and word of mouth referrals have been the basis of her success.
The talented 28-year-old entrepreneur has a background in Corporate Catering and Hotel Management. Hampering Around has been built on the foundation of Sarah's creative designs and quality products. Her client list includes highflying companies like Telstra, RACV, Citipower, ANZ Bank, Ericsson and The Australian Open.
Winning the 2000 Australian Micro Business Award's resulted in a further growth in market awareness and profits for Hampering Around. Managing Director of the Micro Business Network, Barbara Gabogrecan said: 'Sarah's smart approach to marketing, and her pro-active strategies to develop her business even out of season, made her a stand out winner'.
Sarah is passionate about encouraging others to achieve their dreams and enjoys guest-speaking engagements where she can assist young people to succeed in their careers.
Occupation/TitleFounder/ Managing Director
Company/OrganisationHampering Around
Age28 years old
Where did you grow up?Country Victoria
What was your first job?Working in the Lay-by department in Safeway
What did you want to be when you were growing up?A vet or a marine biologist
How did you get to where you are now?A dream of being my own boss and choosing my own destiny. A love for fine wine, gourmet food and a background in Corporate Catering and Management.
How many hours a week do you work?50-60 hours
Where would you like to be in ten years?Still happily married, I would like to have a small family and be operating and managing a homewares lifestyle gift store & cafe.
What advice would you give to somebody embarking on their first business or aspiring to achieve extraordinary career goals? Plan and research your target industry, seek out as much advice from people with good industry knowledge, select your target market carefully and most of all be passionate and focused on never letting go of your dream.
What do you class as your biggest career achievement?Winning the Australian 2000 Micro Business Award. Expanding my business in two years from a home office to a warehouse and employing 3 staff members.
What is the best piece of advice anybody has given you?It's the journey, not the destination that makes success so sweet.
Fast FactsWho living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner?Audrey Hepburn
Name a movie that actually inspired you? International Velvet, as I always wanted to be an Equestrian Olympian.
Your favourite toy as a child?Snoopy
What are you reading at the moment?The ' E ' Myth by Michael Gerber
Which song transports you to another place when you hear it and why?' Fly me to the Moon ' by Perry Como, it is so romantic as is also our Wedding Day song.
Your favourite place in the world, and why?Whistler, Canada. I lived and work there in the ski resort, for 10 months and had the most amazing time.
What is your idea of the perfect Sunday?A drive to Daylesford with my husband for lunch and a massage.
www.hamperingaround.com.au Many thanks to Sarah Cross from the Femail.com.au team!
- Michelle Palmer