Once upon a time, after a series of mishaps, a young Australian comedian found herself lunching in the future king's living room. Present with Sarah were: Camilla, Prince Charles, and a small selection of his celebrity friends - just hanging at the palace. Yes, the one in London.
The actual palace.

That auspicious day Sarah met stars, sportsmen and royals. She saw (and sneakily touched)original artworks; paintings that she'd only ever known as prints in her parents' kitchen. She was late, dressed in polyester & was the only guest to arrive by public transport. But she did her
country proud. This is the true story of a modern-day Cinderella (of if you'd prefer: a 'povvo in the palace').

The King & I is a comedy about living abroad, fitting in, and remembering it doesn't matter how high-stakes the occasion, you're NEVER not good enough.


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