Run Against Violence

Run Against Violence

Get ready, get your team set, and take the Run Against Violence Virtual challenge 1.7 million steps in 19 days ( 30 Aug – 17 Sept 2020)

Australians determined to take steps together to end family violence are joining the challenge.

Australian runners and walkers alike are invited to participate in the 3rd annual Run Against Violence Virtual Team Challenge, a nationwide movement to raise awareness of family violence by running 1300 kilometers.

Together with Brad Smithers, Kirrily Dear founded the run in 2017 – after completing the inspiring and history-making White Ribbon Ultra Marathon in 2014. Held over 12 days, the 860km solo run by Kirrily Dear brought together people from throughout regional NSW to raise awareness about intimate partner violence and its impact on the community. A documentary called ICEBERG was made about the experience. That became the launchpad for the establishment and growth of Run Against Violence. Kirrily says RAN highlights family violence is a significant problem in our communities. "Our virtual run equates to 1.7 million steps. 1.7 million is the estimated number of Australians who experienced physical abuse before the age of 15*."

Run Against Violence is a volunteer organisation whose purpose is to end the silence through starting constructive and comprehensive conversations around family violence. Its goal this year is to raise $40,000 with 100% of funds raised going to support its community engagement program.

"Our job is to engage the broader community in conversations about family violence to reduce the stigma and isolation people who have lived with Domestic Family Violence. When that stigma is removed people then share their story, reach out for help. We deliver awareness campaigns and community activities in order to create the platform for these conversations around family violence to be heard".

During the challenge, teams of up to 20 will walk or run in their local area. Daily uploads of their distances onto an online tracker keeps them in the competition. The tracker collects and collates each team member's distances so the participants can watch their team track across the map from Broken Hill to Sydney.

To be successful, the team is required to cover 1300km in the 19 days of the challenge. The goal is to run the distance from Broken Hill to Sydney starting 30 August 2020 For the super fit who decide to go for gold, put your hat in the ring for a chance to earn a limited-edition gold finishers medal. Individual runners pay an additional 'Gold Class' entry fee to personally complete 200km during the Challenge to earn the medal. "More than 3000 people across the world have participated in our online challenge. 60 per cent of participants surveyed said they had more conversations about their experience with violence; 60 per cent said they shared more stories and articles about family violence prevention. All those small steps shatter the silence for people who have experienced family violence. "

Registrations run until 29th August 2020 and the race takes place over 19 days from 30th August 2020 to 17th September 2020.

"We invite and encourage everyone to participate – if you can move 10 metres or 10,000 metres in a day, please join us in this movement to end family violence. People can enter as teams or as an individual and, if you prefer, we can help you find a team.

With absolutely everything up in the air right now, having a goal to keep you active, and you also get to be a super-hero. By taking steps together, you will make your community a better place for others," says Kirrily.


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