While many New Years resolutions fall by the wayside quicker than you can say Happy New Year, Red Cross has a good solution that will last that little bit longer, and improve the lives of others in the process.

A Red Cross Warm Fuzzy virtual gift provides real assistance for those in need across Australia and around the world, from small deeds such as feeding a hungry child, to larger projects such as helping a community in East Timor achieve its dream of clean, safe drinking water close to home

Warm Fuzzy gifts start from $10 each. Some of the gifts available include:
-Transport for someone who has difficulty attending a vital medical appointment, $10
-Provide bedding for two when disaster strikes our Pacific neighbours. $13
-Help volunteers provide support to firefighters and other disaster relief workers, $100
-Provide one months salary and training for a Red Cross coordinator, $300

And because Warm Fuzzy gifts are also a donation, the purchaser will receive a tax deductible receipt from Australian Red Cross


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