An absurd, dark, sci-fi comedy, Receivers explores the world of idealistic farmer Hedrick who, after years at agricultural school, simply cannot make things grow. In a final attempt to save his property from ruin he stumbles into a world populated with a prostitute, a General, a television repair man, an unforgiving computer... and Hillary.
Or does he?
Welcome to Latin 4 space platform.
Writer Gareth Ellis was the recipient of the Wal Cherry Award and Malcolm Robertson Prize for his first full length play A View of Concrete. He has written numerous other works including Time With Mrs. Thompson, The Champion Male, I Am A Pessimist, The WeWak Mosquito, The Piano Thief, A Protest and, most recently, The Sound Of Waves. A VCA graduate, Gareth has worked with some of Melbourne's most widely recognised companies including the Melbourne Theatre Company, Illbijerri, Melbourne Workers Theatre, and Arena Theatre Company.