Imagine - It's Christmas week, you're catching up with family and friends, sharing significant personal and professional achievements.
What are the achievements?
Don't be discouraged while winter reminds us that we are now half way through the year - there is still time to set winning targets.
Winter provides a marvellous opportunity for the four R's of review, reflection, renewal and personal restoration. The concept of personal restoration comes from Charles Swindoll, who writes of the significance of pacing ourselves and not allowing the tyranny of the urgent to blind us to value of the important. He asks have we deliberately taken time on several occasions this year for personal restoration?
Renewal and restoration are not luxuries; they are essentials to remaining in balance.
Invest in your future by taking time out for reflection and consider four key life areas;
Family (immediate household and extended)
Career (training and experience)
Spiritual (personal renewal and community contribution)
Lifestyle (health, social, financial and interest)
Winter allows a first half of the year review:
Rate your level of satisfaction with your investment of time and energy in the above four life areas, 1(inadequate), 2 (acceptable), 3 (very satisfied).
Are you satisfied with the level of investment and balance between the four areas? Or are changes required?
"The future begins with what you do today to make tomorrow happen." - Hudson
- Merilyn Hill