Peter Chapman

Peter Chapman

Peter Chapman

After having his music featured on community, alternative, commercial radio networks to later being added throughout national in-store media Peter Chapman returns in 2012 with his long anticipated album release 'No Music No Soul' hot off the back of two nationally released songs including the title track 'No Music No Soul' taken from his 2012 sophomore album.

Interview with Peter Chapman

Question: How do you describe No Music No Soul?

Peter Chapman: I guess its melodic pop rock with a smattering of electronica based, sound scaping (Is that like man scaping?)

Question: How did it feel to hear your songs played from this CD?

Peter Chapman: I still haven't actually heard my tracks being played as I don't really sit around listening to radio. The exception would be when I am on the phone being introduced or on the end of radio interviews I have been doing? It is definitely exciting knowing you are getting played on commercial radio. Also friends have been texting that they are in Target or K Mart or Bunnings and they are listening to my track..... That's a buzz as well!

Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Peter Chapman: Not really, I was just focusing on singing in bands to start with and have gradually learnt what I have needed to know to tackle the beast that is the Music Industry!

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Peter Chapman: I am a singer song writer so definitely write my own songs. I also co-write with other musicians on a regular basis.

A lot of things inspire me in life but I guess I draw on my own life experience, more than anything else when I write songs / try to tell stories!

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Peter Chapman: I have such a diverse CD collection and I also like to catch up with music that is new so It is really hard to hone in on who and what I listen to! I love great singer songwriters and the epic bands so Cat Stevens, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Beatles, David Bowie and Rolling Stones are a great place to start. Grant Lee Buffalo and Buffalo Tom, Talking Heads, Early INXS, The Black Crows, The Cure, Iron and Wine, Gotye, Kate Bush, Bruce Springstein...... I could go on and on!

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Peter Chapman: NMNS album campaign is in full swing as we speak. I am flying to Sydney this Tuesday to shoot a video clip for the third single 'Highway Mountain', audio will drop to radio nationally on April 16th with the video clip going to TV nationally on May 7th. This will lead into the NMNS album release with a launch being planned in first two weeks of June!

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Peter Chapman: Several!

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Peter Chapman: I like both sides of the coin. They mostly complement each other and usually follow each other around in the process! It's just a matter of what position you occupy on the wheel...

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Peter Chapman: My Dad is a guitarist and played in bands so I grew up around music and regularly fell asleep to bands rehearsing in the lounge room. It seemed to be a natural thing to get involved. I just kept singing and it eventually lead to writing, playing live and eventually recording.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Peter Chapman: Self belief and self motivation!

Question: What's a typical day like?

Peter Chapman: Depends on where you are at in the cycle of your current recording. At the moment I am focusing on letting people know about my No Music No Soul set so as an independent, self managed artist, I am currently wearing the management and promotion hat, just at the moment. I'm on line a lot and working with people who are helping me find ways to enlighten the public about Peter Chapman Music. I also play shows and do interviews like this one, which I enjoy!

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Peter Chapman: The journey... What I mean by that is the enjoyment you get out of holding your line and your nerve, believing in yourself when it is hard to find people in your corner then finally getting some score on the board! It is a really powerful, rewarding and liberating experience.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Peter Chapman: That is such a hard question to answer? If I am really pressed to choose some likely candidates, I would say Neil Finn, Gotye, Josh Pyke or Grant Lee Buffalo.... r

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Peter Chapman:


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