Pangaea - Protox

Pangaea - Protox
Protox reduces wrinkly depth by up to 50% in 30 days. Protox is a clinically proven topical muscle relaxant gel which actively works to reduce wrinkle appearance wihout the pain and expense of injections - giving you a legitimate alternative to Botox.

Protox consists of two vital ingredients, Argireline Hexapeptide, to relax muscle, and Hyaluronic Acid, to repair sub-dermal cross-linking.

Formulated in a gel liposome delivery system to maximise and speed up active ingredient delivery.

Unlike Botox, which can paralyse affected muscle completely, Protox works to gradually reduce muscular contractions allowing natural facial expressions and a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Protox is clinically proven, safe and effective.

Beauty Consultant's Note:
A previous smoker and sunbather, cross linking has become a problem prematurely, After 1 month of testing Protox has effectively decreased visable signs.

*Cross Linking - Where the different layers of skin become entangled binding your skin's layers of collagen and elastin fibres together forming wrinkles.


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