Oroton - Unique Style
What's in a signature? Unique style, personality, individuality and exclusivity. Our signature personifies who we are and how we express ourselves.
So what better way for Oroton to express it's own name, a name that embodies sleek, modern luxe, than with a collection of stylish signature bags and small accessories.
The distinctive woven fabric has been made exclusively in Italy for Oroton, and is available in sesame black or sesame brown. Designed with leather trim for durability and finished with flock lining for added luxury, the Signature Collection represents timeless, relaxed elegance.
With of a number of sleek styles to suit the needs of all of us, the Signature Collection includes small zip top hobo's, grip top bags, and mini snaplock frame bags, along with larger tote bags essential for a weekend away. Whilst the range of small items includes, among others, a slim clutch purse, coin purse and frame purse which sit alongside items such as the
essential makeup purse and lipstick purse - complete with mirror.
And as no intelligent, stylish girl would ever consider going without a hat in summer, Oroton has designed a gorgeous 'boating' hat to take us through the long hot days spent in the sun.
Signature Collection is available this coming December from Oroton boutiques and Myer/Grace Bros stores.