Nardia Norman IsoWhey Weight Management Program Interview

Nardia Norman IsoWhey Weight Management Program Interview

Nardia Norman IsoWhey Weight Management Program Interview

Nardia Norman a leading health industry expert has contributed to the newly launched IsoWhey Weight Management Program e-book, which is available here. It's a really fantastic easy-to-follow resource offering everything from weekly meal plans, fitness workouts, exercise videos, tips on sleep, energy etc. and is completely free.

Interview with Nardia Norman, Personal Trainer and IsoWhey Influencer

Nardia is a multi-passionate freedom entrepreneur with a passion for helping women maximise their physical, mental and emotional potential and amplifying their personal freedom so they may ultimately live healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.

With health and fitness as her professional platform, she uses her expertise to share her message and make her mark on the world. As the award winning Australian Personal Trainer of the year, an author, international speaker and women's health authority she has played an integral role in the development, education and transformation of both fitness professionals and women worldwide.

Nardia is on a mission to bring back common sense to an industry full of hype and aims to show women how to cultivate their own body wisdom, body love and body freedom. She also works with conscious health professionals to expand their body wisdom education so as to facilitate body freedom with their clients. For more about Nardia and her 'body love" philosophy visit

Question: What is the IsoWhey Weight Management Program e-book?

Nardia Norman: The e-book is a holistic weight management program that is designed to help people reach their lifestyle goals in a way that is healthy and sustainable.

Question: Can you talk about your contribution to the e-book?

Nardia Norman: My area of expertise is in fitness and movement so it was my job to create safe and effective exercise programs that any person of any fitness level can do with confidence. I also wanted to give the reader a chance to learn a ton of new exercises that actually get results. Many programs rely on out-dated exercises that do not produce results. If someone follows this program they will see and feel changes!

Question: What's most important when re-evaluating our diets?

Nardia Norman: The most important thing is to look at your diet from a holistic perspective. This means understanding what drives you to eat and in what circumstances (for example if you are stressed or tired), knowing what foods support your body and what foods are not as nourishing. It is also exceptionally important that you focus on what you can add into your diet as opposed to looking at what you can't have.

Question: What advice do you have for those of us who have been opting to stay in bed rather than going to the gym, on cold mornings?

Nardia Norman: There are two parts to this answer. The first is know your -why' and be very clear with your vision. The -why' is the emotional part of your goal. Your -why' must be strong enough to create desire. If you have the desire to truly want to change your body shape or manage your weight then you will do what it takes to achieve that goal. In other words, if you choose to stay in bed rather than get up your reason for wanting to change isn't desirable enough. The second part to this answer is more strategy based. Perhaps if the morning is too hard for you then switch your training to another time in the day. It doesn't really matter when you exercise as long as it gets done.

Question: What are the unexpected things than hold us back from weight loss?

Nardia Norman: Most people stand in the way of their own success. They self sabotage by creating excuses, or buying into their limiting beliefs and stories. They often lack self-awareness and are disconnected from their bodies. The crazy thing is that once you start to become more self aware and you start to challenge your own beliefs and stories that's when transformation occurs! Weight loss is a mental game first and foremost, then nutrition, then exercise.

Question: What's your top fitness tip, for Autumn?

Nardia Norman: Be consistent. Make a pact with yourself to move every single day. This could be sticking to the exercise program, going for walks or trying new things such as dance classes or yoga.

Question: How important is a good night's sleep for weight loss?
Nardia Norman: Sleep is incredibly important for our overall wellbeing and body shape. When you do not get enough sleep the body's appetite hormones are interfered with and the body seeks out energy dense foods the next day as a result (ever had the 3 pm tired hangry gremlins?). Lack of sleep also interferes with other important metabolism hormones such as Insulin and Human Growth Hormone. Focussing on sleep is just as important as focussing on the diet and exercise.

Question: Can you share a fitness workout, from the e-book, with us?

Nardia Norman: The Sustain and Maintain program is a program designed for those who want to maintain their current weight yet want to remain fit and healthy.

This program shows the client how to take control of their own workouts by teaching them how to create their own workout schedule, based on their lifestyle. This is really exciting as I think this is one of the only programs that allows the user to take ownership of their on-going exercise routine. I have created an exercise matrix – like a -pick a path' that teaches the user how to create their own session plans using the matrix as a guide. The program consists of total body resistance exercises, H.I.I.T, traditional cardio exercises and -play' sessions. The options for on-going exercise plans is endless!

Question: Which of the IsoWhey range is your favourite?

Nardia Norman: Hands down my favourite product is their chocolate protein powder. I have been using this product for many years. I love it because it is tasty and it is gentle on my stomach. This is the only protein powder I ever recommend because of how easily tolerated (and yummy) it is.

To find out more or to try Nardia Norman's fitness workouts download the free IsoWhey Weight Management program here e-book.

Interview by Brooke Hunter

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