FACT MND is a rapidly progressive, terminal neurological disease
FACT There is no known cure and no effective treatment for MND
FACT Each day in Australia more than one person dies from MND and another is diagnosed
FACT People with MND progressively lose the use of their limbs, their ability to speak,swallow and to breathe, whilst their mind and senses usually remain intact
FACT Average life expectancy is 27 months
FACT An estimated 1300 people have MND in Australia and thousands more, families and carers, live daily with the effects of MND
MND Week, an initiative of MND Australia, will be held from 3 9 May 2009 and all Australians and governments are encouraged to donate and commit funds to ensure health professionals, service providers and MND Associations can provide the best possible care and to support vital research to find the causes, effective treatments and hopefully a cure for this cruel disease.
Tanya Mason, a 23 year-old from NSW who has MND knows the value of these services. “I still manage to live independently with the fantastic support of the MND Association and my health service providers. My computer allows me to network with all my friends. As I have started to become physically weaker, MND NSW has provided me with all the equipment I need to make my everyday easier.”
The types of care and support people living with MND and their families need to help them live as well as possible include: Co-ordinated support and care; Access to timely information; Respite and research ; and Early diagnosis and equipment.
Various fundraising or awareness raising events are being held throughout Australia during the week which culminates in Blue Cornflower Day, Friday 8 May. For a list of events visit www.mndaust.asn.au
During MND Week and on Blue Cornflower Day you can make a donation, volunteer or buy a blue cornflower a symbol of hope through MND Associations or on-line at: www.mndaust.asn.au or phone 1800 777 175.