Millie Swann Break Money and Relationship Cycles Interview

Millie Swann Break Money and Relationship Cycles Interview

Millie Swann Break Money and Relationship Cycles Interview

Executive business change strategist, Millie Swann, has over 25 years' experience in practicing change processes in her consultancy which break cycles of money and relationship problems and support business people and influencers align with their authentic selves. Her work leads to personal wellbeing, connected relationships and ultimately stellar business results.

Unlike other management consultancies which take a blinkered approach to problem solving, looking at company structure and systems only, critical to Swann's success has been her inimitable ability to identify and shift energetic blocks in a business leader first, allowing them to see more clearly, work out what's going on, what needs to change and how to work more effectively going forward. By identifying and clearing these blocks and implementing proven business systems, review assessments and restructures, Swann's clients have gone on to achieve exceptional results.

Most recently, a business that Swann has worked with has gone from the verge of ATO administration to bringing in multimillion dollar contracts after just 8 months of her mentorship. Key to the renewed success of this organisation was Swann's assessment of the business owner's personal life first and identifying what the real underlying issues holding the business back were. Having helped the leader restore and change his relationships with his sons and partner, his life transformed, and his business followed.

'Previous to working with me, my clients' energetic blocks and underlying issues continued to bring about challenges and cycles that prevented them from achieving true success not only around their business but around relationships, wellness and money," says Swann.

'After working with me, they begin to perform accidental automated behaviour and action. Tasks previously feared and avoided become natural and effortless," she continues.

With 25 years of experience in the field, Swann has worked in both Australia and the United States across diverse industries, guiding the growth of SMEs from $500K revenue right through to national programs with more than $100M turnover.

'Millie excels when it comes to balancing personal energetic issues with business strategy and systems. When you combine these forces, you become empowered to find a better you," said Helen Mac, Founder of The Optimism Zone.

Currently based in Melbourne and with extensive knowledge and experience as an executive business change strategist, personal change practitioner, practicing sociologist, entrepreneur and investor in both human and asset capital, Swann has a deep understanding of what motivates business owners and executive decision makers in business and what is stopping them from getting the success they want.

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Interview with Millie Swann

Question: What types of issues does your business deal with?

Millie Swann: My clients have big unconscious money and relationship blocks. They know something is wrong but they just can't seem to make the changes they need. They try everything and things just seem to get worse over the years, not better. These problems can either be personal or within their business, and between their business partners, staff or life partner. Problems with money and relationships can be devastating for everyone involved.

Question: How can we break cycles of money problems?

Millie Swann: The first step is an awareness that you actually want to do something different - to have a better experience around money and not be struggling all the time. The second step is actually taking responsibility for where you're at, make a short term action plan and one that you are constantly reviewing. You have unconscious patterning that needs to be worked on to solve these issues long term.

Question: How are money and relationship problems often related?

Millie Swann: Money and relationships are such emotionally charged issues in both your business and personal life. When things are tough they often feed off each other and a cycle of discontent grows and gets out of hand very quickly. When you're in this state, any ability to make clear decisions about moving forward is very difficult. You almost can't get one right without the other. The real issue is that you may often have the same hidden unconscious block and when we work on money issues, relationships challenges start to naturally resolve also. Life becomes easier and effortless.

Question: What is the January job hop?

Millie Swann: I see this with senior managing staff when their CEO or Boss has not got the energetic culture of their business working well. I see great staff leave and take their unresolved challenges they have to their next job. It's a never ending cycle of short lived relief and then ongoing unhappiness for everyone. Often these managers or senior staff don't really know what's wrong they just feel like they aren't getting anywhere and everything feels stalled.

Question: How can businesses deal with the January job hop?

Millie Swann: I have seen this turn around so quickly when the CEO addresses the energetic culture of an organisation and they start to address the real underlying issues that are going on. When the businesses becomes massively profitable in a very short time frame, staff lift their productivity massively. It must start with the CEO wanting things to be different and taking a different approach.

Question: What is the difference between a boss and a leader?

Millie Swann: A boss is one step away from a bully. Most bosses are completely unaware of the way they are around their staff and clients. Leaders have buckets full of empathy and self-awareness. They own their part in the process of making things change. Leaders can be tough and driven but they know it takes a "village" to make change. Leaders will often practice what they preach.

Question: How can a manager ensure a productive workplace, even when they're not in the office?

Millie Swann: First you must have an energetic culture in place that creates an environment where staff actually want to come to work. Secondly, giving staff personal time flexibility (Bosses don't OWN staff), having clear direction or guidelines and ownership of their work makes all the difference. Staff feel like they are a key part of a process that "makes a difference" to the business.

Question: What advice do you have for managing difficult staff?

Millie Swann: I always ask, is this person just having short term challenges, or if not then I am a big fan of allowing them to "deselect" or leave a business. This creates opportunity to do things differently. If they aren't a good fit for a team it relieves pressures immediately for everyone. Everyone is replaceable. For those staff that stay and the issue is short term, it is important to understand, with empathy, what is really going on and create a plan with regular reviews to support this person and resolve any issues. It's a partnership - not an us and them attitude that will change things.

Question: What are some of your 2016 successes?

Millie Swann: Seeing the success of my clients really going the next level and breaking through old cycles that have got their business and personal lives really on track, seeing them win and deliver massive contracts that they never thought were ever possible.

Question: Have you set 2017 goals?

Millie Swann: Yes, I would like to see them change and grow – but mine are more like 30 / 60 / 90 day plans. I am forever adjusting towards the types of challenges that come to me. Annual goals are a waste of time, things happen so quickly that you miss wonderful opportunities if you're looking to tick boxes too much. I do have a list of things to accomplish and to tick off at least one a month.

Question: What's a typical day like, for you?

Millie Swann: At the end of the day I am -happy tired'. I work towards my natural energy cycles and have regular breaks. I meditate in the afternoon (we all do here in the office ) at around 2.30pm for 20 mins. I have a mix of unstructured days where we progress our internal projects and get things done, then full client days usually later in the week. I am a creative person that has learnt how to get things done using simple tools and a mix of structures and systems that deliver outcomes for myself, staff and then my clients too.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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