FREE Mental Health Hike

FREE Mental Health Hike

Walking For Well-Being

Hundreds of Sydney mums, sisters, daughters, grandmas and their families will unite in support of mental health on Sunday 14 October 2018. They will descend on the beautiful Bondi Beach just after sunrise with journalist Jennifer Byrne, to hike 6km, bringing hope to those experiencing mental illnesses and promoting happy, healthier families.

The FREE Mental Health Hike organised by Wild Women On Top Coastrek, a hiking movement which inspires women to hike with friends for wellbeing, is part of Mental Health Week activities being rolled out across Australia following international Mental Health Day (Oct 10). Register now for free here.

According to Founder of Coastrek, Di Westaway, "Our government has created a culture where chronic disease flourishes. According to the World Health Organisation, 70% of us have chronic diseases while 450 million of us have depression. Our leaders have let us down."

Westaway, a women's health expert says "Studies show that 70% of us not flourishing, 70% of us don't move enough to be happy and 25% of us have mental health issues. But together we can change this. Together we can unite to improve mental health and wellbeing. Every single day we walk in nature, we're supporting this life saving culture of health and inspiring our friends and family to follow."

Westaway adds, "Our Mission is to restore hope and lead our loved ones towards new rituals of self-care including walking just 30 minutes a day and hiking for an hour on Sunday mornings. Some call this radical self-care. I call it survival."

"Together, by 2022, we hope to inspire 1 million women to connect with each other and mother nature, taking back our health and happiness and leading our daughters and sisters towards a healthier happier future by hiking together."

It is scientifically proven by Harvard University that walking just 30 minutes a day reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, stroke, Alzheimer's, dementia, depression, anxiety and stress by up to 50%. And walking in nature, or hiking, has the added benefit of improving mood and memory while reducing rumination.

According to Public Health Expert and Medical Director of the CSIRO, Dr Rob Grenfell, "Hiking with friends costs little and benefits lots."

Join Jennifer Byrne and the team at Coastrek as they unite women for mental health by walking together in nature for happier healthier families.

You'll love it! It's more fun than exercise and has all the same benefits.

The Wild Women Mental Health Hike is a FREE event and open to everybody. However, registration is essential at

Wild Women Mental Health Hike, 6km
Where: Sunday, 14 October 2018 | 6:45am for 7-8am hike.
Where: Biddigal Reserve, North Bondi Beach, Ramsgate Avenue, Bondi


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