ACMI hosts a series of talks and live events celebrating the rich traditions and new visions in Indigenous art and culture. The festival will feature two free events, Shadow life: Moving Image and Remembered By. Running alongside the Melbourne Indigenous Arts Festival is the National Indigenous Photo-Media Forum for Photographers and Media Artists. Also at ACMI for the 2012 Melbourne Indigenous Arts Festival, the City of Melbourne presents Blak Nite Cinema, a selection of short and feature-length films exploring the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience,
Remembered By
Sunday 12th February at 11am
This screening program features films with Indigenous subject matter selected by Reko Rennie, ACMI's Artist in Residence. To accompany the screenings, a group of Rennie's peers will reappraise the works through a contemporary perspective.
Shadow Life: Moving Image Unclassified
Saturday 11th of February 11am-6pm
Presented as a looped screening with a contextual talk by curator Djon Mundine OAM at 3pm, Shadow Life is an exhibition of moving image works by contemporary Indigenous Australian artists exploring the notion of the shadow as a representation of our soul that can never leave us or exist independent of us. Presented by City of Melbourne.