Martin Copping Legends of the Dry Interview

Martin Copping Legends of the Dry Interview

Martin Copping Legends of the Dry Interview

A St Kilda National Theatre graduate, after scoring roles in most Australian dramas, is making inroads in Los Angeles and is thrilled to be on-screen in the action piece, Legends of the Dry.

Martin Copping has recently pitched to investors for a proposed feature film that he is producing, he has signed with Top LA voice over agent VOX, Woodburn Sweitzer Management and JC Robbins Management.

Moreover, he has auditioned for the lead in a new Video game for EA Sports and has been considered for a role in GI Joe 2, starring Channing Tatum, who he was recently partying with in LA.

You may recognise Martin from iconic Australian dramas such as Neighbours, Rush, Stingers, Blue Heelers and Something in the Air.

Now, living in the Hollywood Hills with Heart Bass band member, Kristian Attard, Copping still hangs close in LA to fellow Aussie actors, Michael Vice, Sweeney Young and Tim Phillipps.

Interview with Martin Copping

Question: What is Legends of the Dry?

Martin Copping: Legends of the Dry was a competition run buy Carlton Dry beer where they asked people to write in their most exciting or funny story. They would then make the winning entry into a movie starring action film legend Steven Seagal. The winning entry was about a guy named Paul (Seagal) and his best mate Craig (Myself) and their adventures as Craig tries to steal sheep so the boys can get to a BBQ and win the affections of Sarah Beachwood (played by the beautiful Kirsty Lee Allen).

Watch Carlton Dry's, Legend of the Dry:

Question: Can you talk about how it was working with Steven Seagal?

Martin Copping: It was great to work with Steven Seagal as he was a childhood hero of mine. I've always been a big fan of action movies and martial arts (I've studied various forms, Taekwon-do, Karate, Muay Thai and Boxing since I was eight years old). Steven has a great sense of humor which made him a lot of fun to be on set with. He did get me in a 'friendly' wristlock at one point so he is definitely someone I'm happy to be on the right side of. But seriously he was an absolute pro and someone I'd love to work with again.

Question: Are you able to talk about the feature film you are producing?

Martin Copping: I've been meeting with investors this year as I'm am currently sourcing finance for an up-coming feature film by Sundance finalist Kohl Glass. I can't really talk any more about the project at this stage as it's still in development. But I can say that I'm very excited about Kohl's script. He is an amazing director and this is a project that I'm very excited to be a part of.

Question: What do you enjoy about voice over work?

Martin Copping: I really do enjoy most all aspects about performing voice overs. It's amazing how many other performance qualities you need to bring to your 'voice' work in order to bring it to life, especially your physicality. I was putting down tape for a 'Lord of the Rings style' video game the other day (playing an Orc) and at one point caught myself dancing around the microphone wriggling my fingers and scrunching up my face in order to squeeze out the fiendish Cockney voice that I needed for this character I love committing to that level of make believe.

Question: How does it feel to see yourself on screen?

Martin Copping: I think most actors have a love / not so much love relationship with seeing themselves on screen. I'm a lot better than I used to be with it. Provided that I've been as honest as I can with the material I'm given and with my performance then generally I'm happy. But it can be tough, especially if you're head is plastered across a cinema screen... everything is multiplied... by a lot. From a vanity point of view I think it's nearly always in the lighting. That's why I'm always grateful when I get to work working with a really good Director of Photography.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the acting industry?

Martin Copping: I guess I grew up in the film industry. My mum, started out as a Model before moving into Production and my dad is a Cinematographer & Producer. There were quite a few occasions when I was pulled out of primary school when one of the children that had been cast in a commercial dad was producing was unable to perform the job. This meant I was often the ring-in actor. But I do remember my first ever actual aspiration to be in the movies was when I was watching Star Wars as a young kid. I remember looking at Luke Skywalker and Han Solo as they battled Darth Vader and tried to save Princess Leia. I remember thinking "That looks like fun, I want to do that!"

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your acting success?

Martin Copping: I guess the biggest challenge for me, and I'm sure it is the same for a lot of actors, is the inconsistency and uncertainty of the industry. It's something that I had to first address very early on in my career and something and something I still deal with today. Having had both parents working in the industry I was fortunate enough to always have their sound support and guidance in this regard One thing I have learned is that being an actor is no different from running a business. You need to have a product you believe in, you need a good marketing team behind you and like starting any business you need financial backing in the formative years.

Question: What do you like most about LA?

Martin Copping: LA has become a very special place to me. There is constant opportunity here, somewhere people come to succeed and you can really feel that energy when you spend time here, it keeps propelling you forward. Another thing which has been great is the strong network of supportive friends and colleagues I have here. Then there are the great restaurants, bars, clubs etc. And you're so close to an exquisite coastline, amazing mountain ranges and some of the nicest national parks in the world California in general is a pretty incredible place.

Question: What do you miss about home, Australia?

Martin Copping: I miss my family and my friends. The coffee. The simple things like Vegemite, AFL, and the slightly more relaxed pace that things move at back home. And funnily enough... I often miss the Melbourne weather.

Question: What are you currently working on?

Martin Copping: I auditioned yesterday for the new Steven Spielberg project Terra Nova which looks like it's going to be a pretty wild series. I have also just entered into a business venture with Heart bass player and good friend Kristian Attard, it's an exciting project which should come to light in the coming months. Other than that I'm just trying to keep my head down and stay focused on my goals and enjoy the ride and the people I meet along the way.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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