Mammal – We're back!

It's been 7 years and 9 months since Mammal collectively drove their raw brand of Lamborghini rock 'n' roll straight off a cliff, but today the flaming fireball of visceral energy and groove known as Mammal have announced they will reform to play one show at Melbourne's Max Watt's on Friday 27 October.
In less than four years, this rock and roll kismet machine recorded a 5 track EP, two live albums, one studio album, one double A side single whilst simultaneously dominating live spaces across Australia, NZ and the UK.  Quickly earning a reputation as one of modern rock's most visceral, mosh pit friendly and dangerous bands, they proceeded to play every major festival in Australia, winning punters over with their infectious energy and stadium level stage show.  These festival appearances lead to scores of sold out shows touring Australia and the UK all the while remaining fiercely independent, aggressively humanitarian and musically prolific.


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