We have all heard that a glass of red wine a day is great for you. In fact it has it's own paradox, The French Paradox. This is the theory that the French have the lowest incidence of heart disease in the world but enjoy a very high fat diet. Is it the red wine they drink regularly that makes all the difference? Research suggests it is the health benefits of Resveratrol.
Red wine has long been associated with good health and well-being. More evidence appears each day that the beneficial aspects of red wine can help with reducing the risk of heart disease, fight various cancers and even help improve memory. Biologists have found it is an active chemical called Resveratrol that these health benefits can be attributed to. All grapes have Resveratrol found in their skin to protect it from fungus, bacteria and high UV exposure. Because, during the red wine process greater amounts of skins are left in for colour and flavour, red wine reaps the benefits of greater amounts of Resveratrol, as well as other important molecules that work together with Resveratrol molecules to maximize its effects.
Dr. David Sinclair at Harvard Medical School has tested the effects of Resveratrol on mice and is convinced it will help counteract the effect of high fat diets, decrease the chance of diabetes, and slow down aging in humans.
His research showed that an ordinary mouse could run one kilometer on a treadmill. But mice given Resveratrol ran twice as far and had a slower heart rate, comparable to a rate seen in trained athletes. Scientists believe Resveratrol supplements generate energy in the body's cells thereby burning more fat and avoiding weight gain. How much wine do you need to drink daily to reap the full benefits of this naturally occurring chemical Resveratrol? Unfortunately the amounts are staggering, something like 1500 bottles a day according to scientists.
Obviously this is not possible, so what is the alternative?
To make it easy for us, LiXiR Products has produced a Resveratrol health supplement that will deliver the recommended daily amount of Resveratrol in capsule form. One dose daily will provide you with all the Resveratrol and many other red grape skin molecules that you need to maintain good health and well being.
LiXiR Resveratrol Supplement sources the best local Australian Red Wine Grapes, and has the closest properties to what is found naturally in grapes than any other Resveratrol Supplement available. This is because they extract all the benefical compounds that are needed to produce the best results.The combination of Resveratrol and Australian Red Grape Skin in LiXiR Supplements have been laboratory tested and shown to be higher in anti-oxidants than Noni, XanGo and Grape Juice as well. This is because their combination of molecules is more potent than the ingredients on their own.
For decades, doctors have been concerned about promoting the health benefits of wine because of health and social problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Thankfully now the LiXiR Resveratrol and red grape skin capsules allows us the health benefits of red wine without the alcohol or calories.
With reportedly 50 percent of patients with diabetes dying from heart attack, Resveratrol supplements will hopefully help decrease this complication in years ahead. And if Dr. Sinclair's research is right, Resveratrol could also help decrease the chance of developing cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and give energy to those who are run down and exhausted.
LiXiR Supplements are currently available online www.lixirproducts.com.au.