Little Dog And The Summer Holiday

Little Dog And The Summer Holiday

The Summer Holidays Stretch Out Forever.

A charming and nostalgic story about a much-loved Little Dog and his family.

The summer holidays stretch out forever. Little Dog and his family set off with their caravan. A nostalgic and delightful story about the way family holidays used to be.

Corinne Fenton is the author of 25 books for children but her passion is picture books about social history. Her classic picture book Queenie: One Elephant's Story, illustrated by Peter Gouldthorpe, was an Honour Book in the 2007 Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards. The Dog on the Tuckerbox, also illustrated by Gouldthorpe, was named a Notable Book in two categories of the 2009 CBCA Awards.

Robin Cowcher is a freelance illustrator and currently lives in Melbourne, Australia. She studied at RMIT and worked for many years at The Age as an art director, illustrator and designer. Little Dog and the Christmas Wish (written by Corinne Fenton) was her first title with Black Dog Books. Her second picture book with Walker, Reflection, was written by Rebecka Sharpe Shelberg.

Little Dog And The Summer Holiday
Walker Books Australia
Author: Corinne Fenton
Illustrator: Robin Cowcher
ISBN: 9781925381160
RRP: $24.99


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