Juan Taratutos romantic comedy, A Boyfriend for My Wife will open the 2009 La Mirada Film Festival, now in its third year. The Argentinean box office hit follows the story of Tenso who hires the local Don Juan to seduce his ill-tempered and intolerable wife in order to get out of telling her he wants a divorce. But when he starts to fall back in love with her, a comedy of errors ensues.
Other highlights include Javier Fessers Camino, which won 6 awards at the 2009 Goya Awards, Pedro Almodovars specially selected classic Spanish films and Spanish Cuisine on Film, where Spanish Chef Abel Martin will be cooking up a Spanish storm after the screenings of The Chicken, the Fish and the King Crab and Mediterranean Diet. Penelope Cruz and Oscar-winning filmmaker Woody Allen have come on board as special guest curators. Both have chosen their favourite Spanish film to be screened during the 2009 festival their selected films will remain a surprise until the credits begin to roll on the night of the screening.