Karly Jewell Interview

Karly Jewell Interview


How would you describe your music? 
I'd say it's Rock with a Pop feel. 
I am known to blend it all together having many elements of Rock, Melodic Rock, Electronic and Pop all in one. 
It's my own kind of style of hard rock I'd say. Not afraid to mix it up.
Can you tell us about your (your new/song/upcoming/gig/video), what was the inspiration?
Sad Girl is the new track and it's a song about myself and it's the new chapter.
 I am the girl that wrote sad songs that always had music to heal. 
I was thinking how amazing it is to have this gift of music and remembered when I first started writing songs and playing live shows, my late Grandfather would say to me, not everyone will like what you do but the ones that do will become music family and  always write for you and from your heart. I guess I took a look at myself from outside and thought wow I do write sad songs but I'm having the time of my life. I decided then I'm coming in with a Pop Rock Anthem to embrace being a Sad Girl and to let people know it's ok if not everyone likes you but always be proud of who you are. Just be you.
The video I decided at a cherry Bar gig one night that the venue would set the perfect scene for the song. It would be the perfect place to represent a small town girl ending up in the big city having the time of her life with her music family. I was also pretty obsessed with the red sequin curtain i spotted st the back of the stage and the bar, so I knew it would look amazing in my new video.
Next up to kick this song off we have our second return tour to Japan. Launching the Sad Girl tour with Aussie Rockers  Shotgun Mistress. Starting the tour in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Fukuyama, Kagawa, Nagoya, Kyoto and Yokohama
Music inspires me and everything about doing what I love. 
What should we expect from your upcoming shows? 
Good times, high energy, new songs and onto bigger and bigger shows each time. 
How did the Band come together ?
Mars and I both started the band and eventually we'd have the gang together. 
Two new members just recently Mick Jones joining on Bass and Shannon Stewart 2 years now on Rhythm Guitar. 
What motivates you the most when writing music?
Number 1 my Late Grandfather is my biggest motivation. My gift of music comes from him. When he passed it was my turn to continue and carry our name in the music industry as song writers so every single day I'm motivated to put every single skill he ever taught me to use. 
I write from feeling , everyday life, people, pain and simply being that music is all I know.
Which music/artists are you currently listening to?
Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Halestorm always, Kasey Chambers, Crossbone Skully, Dallas Frasca  the list could go forever as listening to music is a constant for me. 
It's every genre, it's the old and new. I often listen to 70's Music and I absolutely love Willie Nelson and how he almost has a way with stopping time. 
What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry? 
My Late Grandfather Tony Jewell. 

If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
I have too many but Australian Artists would be Kasey and Bill Chambers or Dallas Frasca I'd also love to work with Dean Lewis now that would be amazing.
Joan Jett all the way or I'd also love to work with John 5. 

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the music industry ? 
Nothing really I've just done my own thing and just kept at it.  
What's next for you? 
I have recently Just signed with Australian Label XMUSIC so this has been amazing. I have new songs coming and videos to do and then off to Brisbane to record more new tracks. 
After Japan we will have more to announce and keep the new music coming. 
Singer-Songwriter Karly Jewell is one of the latest talents to come from Melbourne Australia. At the age of 5 she picked up her Grandfather's Guitar (Highly acclaimed Country Singer- Songwriter (late) Tony Jewell) known for his close work with one of the biggest Country Music Artists in Australia Slim Dusty. The creativity was in her blood & passed down to create her own story through music. Crafting her sound & discovering her Versatility while moving from Genre to Genre. This would also open doors to working with many different Producers & Artists.
2023 would see the ultimate dream come true with Karly teaming up with well known and highly acclaimed Australian Producer Stuart Stuart In Brisbane, Analog Heart Studio.
Stuart is well known In our Australian scene and known for working with Sheppard, Dean Lewis, The Veronicas and many more just to name a few.
Karly has been writing & performing proli fically since forming her live band, building a Rock & Roll family. The solid foundation of this hard hitting Rock with elements of a Pop driven Band is built on the love of music, passion for their art heart & soul.
Played countless shows across Australia from her home town Mildura & small town where she grew up of Wentworth N.S.W. As well as hitting up Melbourne the bands home base including The Corner Hotel, Revolver, The Espy Gershwin Room, Evelyn Hotel & the place Karly & the Band made their home stage to play The Boogie Man Bar.



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